🎉 v0.7.1
This release adds some great new features and upgrades the build system to be faster and use the latest versions of react tooling. Some highlights include:
- 🔎 Zoom and pan has been improved! Now when you zoom using the scroll wheel the canvas will zoom towards your mouse instead of the center of the canvas.
- 🚀 Now you can override the rendering of node headers to add your own UI or override the node's label dynamically.
Check out an exhaustive list of updates below:
- Bumped version to 0.7.0 (#152) efa3e22
- 🚀 Add the ability to render a custom node header (#75) 0372e92
- Added options object to be accessible by useRootEngine (#139) 645f7ba (Thanks @antomarsi !)
- ⬆️ Upgrades example react scripts (#150) 46afff1
- 🐛 Updated react scripts and fixed tests (#149) 8ed5f30
- Nanoid version increase (#122) af8a756 (Thanks @yukosgiti !)
- Update faq.mdx 5389e05
- 🐛 Fixed leftover reference to sub/dist from np migration 5190b67