1.3.0 Beta 1
120 commits
to release
since this release
- Added account remover in settings
- Mention & DM notification status load into timeline without second refresh
- Added optional auto refresh on start (but only if it's been more than 2 mins since last refresh)
- Change in app image save location
- DM added to a cache to cut down on data transfer
- Can delete one or multiple direct messages
- Added some xxhdpi images for newer high def devices (Nexus 5)
- Corrected a few Crittercism reported force close errors
- Corrected issue whereby visible lanes would randomly reset
- Screen orientation will lock whilst posting to prevent issues with status not posting correctly
- Better handling of statuses being removed/deleted
- DM refresh on send
- All DM's downloaded rather than just "newest" in conversation
- DM last message correctly passed back to the summary page (without need to refresh)
- Make it clear that the summary DM is actually your reply