Backend deployed on Heroku:
Players' Cards Database endpoint on Heroku:
-- Players' Cards Database routes on Heroku:
/players_cards: GET request to get all of the players' cards (info)
/players_cards/id: GET request to get one player's card (info)
-- Login and Sign Up routes on Heroku:
/signup: POST request to insert a new user's username, email, password, and currency/balance
/login: POST request to insert the user's email and password. NOTE: The user must be registered first by signing up!! Otherwise, it will result in getting an error saying that "Email is not registered".
/users: GET request to get all of the users' information.
/user/id: GET request to get one user's information.
/user/id: PUT request to update the user's currency/balance.
/user/id: DELETE request to delete a user.
-- User's collection routes on Heroku:
/users_collection: POST request to insert the user's id (of the user that's logged in) and the player's id (of the card that they received from opening a pack/chest) into the "users_collection" table.
/users_collection: GET request to get everything that's in the "users_collection" table
/users_collection/id: GET request to get an array of objects of the user's id (passed as a param) and their players' id (players cards)
/users_collection/id: DELETE request to delete a user's collection based on the user's id (passed as a param).