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This package has two main functions:

  • Provide an API which can be used to create JSON-serializable RPG's in pure dart.
  • Provide a command line utility (worldsmith) to run and compile those games once they have been converted to JSON.


  • Create games by just creating objects.
  • Dump the worlds you create to json.
  • Play and compile JSON games with the worldsmith utility.

Getting started

Create a world:

import 'package:worldsmith/worldsmith.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  final world = World(title: 'Example World');

Now create a game that can serve as the interface between worldsmith and ziggurat.

import 'package:worldsmith/command_triggers.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/world_context.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/worldsmith.dart';
import 'package:ziggurat/ziggurat.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  final world = World(title: 'Example World');
  final game = Game(world.title, triggerMap: defaultTriggerMap);

Now create a WorldContext instance.

import 'package:worldsmith/command_triggers.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/world_context.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/worldsmith.dart';
import 'package:ziggurat/ziggurat.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  final world = World(title: 'Example World');
  final game = Game(world.title, triggerMap: defaultTriggerMap);
  final worldContext = WorldContext(game: game, world: world);

Now run the world.

import 'package:worldsmith/command_triggers.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/functions.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/world_context.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/worldsmith.dart';
import 'package:ziggurat/ziggurat.dart';

Future<void> main() {
  final world = World(title: 'Example World');
  final game = Game(world.title, triggerMap: defaultTriggerMap);
  final worldContext = WorldContext(game: game, world: world);
  return runWorld(worldContext);


This package is intended to be used from within an editor which is still under development. Users can still use this package to create games in pure code.

Additional information

This package is still in extremely early days. If you have any problems, please submit an issue.

Command Line Utility

The main entry point for this package is the worldsmith command:

# worldsmith
Work with worldsmith directories.

Usage: worldsmith <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  build   Build worldsmith projects.
  play    Run a worldsmith file in the current directory.

Run "worldsmith help <command>" for more information about a command.

Play Game

Using the play subcommand, you can play a worldsmith project in the current directory as if it had been compiled. You will see any errors in the console.

To do this, simply type worldsmith play while in the directory where you project files reside.

Unfortunately, since the package does not use Flutter, there is no hot reload.

Build Game

You can use the build subcommand to generate Dart code - and an EXE for your game.

To do this, simply type worldsmith build from within the directory where your project files reside. A folder named game will be created, and your assets, as well as an encrypted version of your world's JSON file will be placed there.

Note: Your assets are copied, not moved, so there is obviously a space penalty.

If you are running Windows (the primary OS where this package is tested), the editbin.exe utility is used to stop your game.exe file from loading an ugly DOS box. Thanks to the poster here for the tip.

Example Output

Here is the code that worldsmith build generated for my test world.

/// Hilly Hill.
import 'package:worldsmith/command_triggers.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/functions.dart';
import 'package:worldsmith/world_context.dart';
import 'package:ziggurat/ziggurat.dart';

const encryptionKey = '1auHFQ6Og3zXScz7EAGT1s9/9yJiAVlyJwFVfrNCvZk=';

Future<void> main() async {
  final world = loadEncrypted(encryptionKey);
  final game = Game(world.title, triggerMap: defaultTriggerMap);
  final worldContext = WorldContext(game: game, world: world);
  await runWorld(worldContext);

As you can see, there is not much: A few imports, an encryption key constant, and a main function which creates a World instance using the loadEncrypted function.

Regenerating Code

If you customise the code that worldsmith build generates (see [Extending]), the build system is intelligent enough to not overwrite your changes. What it does instead is run through each line of the game/bin/game.dart file, and replaces the old encryption key with the new one.

If you find instances where this breaks, please open an issue.


If you read the worldsmith documentation, you will discover that the WorldContext instance (see [Example Output]) has a lot of callbacks you can provide to customise how your game works.

If you want finer control, you could always pass in a custom Game instance, which you can use to intercept levels being pushed, and also modify the default keymap.

Known Issues

Currently, if you run the game.exe file from outside its directory, it doesn't work. This may be fixed in the future.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues, please report them on the issue tracker.


Make RPGs with ziggurat.







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