MakesBridge BridgeMail System Plugin is a marketing automation plugin to wordpress which integrates makesbridge to wordpress
If you don't have a MakesBridge account please go to to sign up for a free trial.
- Upload to the
directory - Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
= 1.03.8 =
- Added support for makesbridge tracking cookie
= 1.03.7 =
- Minor Cosmetic UI changes to gravity settings
- Add to Workflow feature added
= 1.03.7 =
- Minor Cosmetic UI changes to gravity settings
- Add to Workflow feature added
= 1.03.6 =
- Fixed PHP Errors Bug
= 1.03.5 =
- Fixed bug with submission
= 1.03.4 =
- Added Support for bridgemail tracking snippet
= 1.03.4 =
- Added Support for bridgemail tracking snippet
= 1.03.3 =
- Fixed a bug with admin settings
= 1.03.2 =
- Fixed a bug with jQuery