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ROS 2 node for libcamera supported cameras (V4L2, Raspberry Pi Camera Modules)


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ROS 2 node for libcamera

This ROS 2 node provides support for a variety of cameras via libcamera. Amongst others, this node supports V4L2 and Raspberry Pi cameras.


Binary packages are available via the ROS package repository for some Linux and ROS distributions (check with rosdep resolve camera_ros). If it's available, you can install the DEB or RPM packages via:

# source a ROS distribution
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
# DEB package
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-ros
# RPM package
sudo dnf install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-ros


This also installs the package libcamera as dependency. This is the bloomed version of the official upstream repo at and may not contain full support for all Raspberry Pi camera modules. If you need full camera module support on Raspberry Pi, you have to build the "raspberrypi" fork from manually.

Build Instructions


The camera_ros node depends on libcamera version 0.1 or later. There are different ways to install this dependency:

  • System Package: Most Linux distributions provide a binary libcamera package. However, the Raspberry Pi OS uses a custom libcamera fork with additional support for newer camera modules. When using the distribution packages, you have to skip the libcamera rosdep key when resolving dependencies (rosdep install [...] --skip-keys=libcamera).

  • ROS Package: You can also install a newer version from the ROS repo (package ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libcamera). This package will be installed by default when building camera_ros from source and resolving the rosdep keys.

  • Source: Finally, you can always build libcamera from source. This is currently the only option for using the "raspberrypi" fork on Ubuntu. You can build libcamera as part of the ROS workspace using colcon-meson. This is recommended over a system-wide installation as it avoids conflicts with the system package. You will need to install the following dependencies:

    1. Install the libcamera build dependencies according to
    2. Install colcon-meson via the package manager, sudo apt install -y python3-colcon-meson, or pip, pip install colcon-meson.


The camera_ros package is built together with libcamera in a colcon workspace:

# create workspace
mkdir -p ~/camera_ws/src
cd ~/camera_ws/src

# check out libcamera
sudo apt -y install python3-colcon-meson
# Option A: official upstream
git clone
# Option B: raspberrypi fork with support for newer camera modules
# git clone

# check out this camera_ros repository
git clone

# resolve binary dependencies and build workspace
source /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/setup.bash
cd ~/camera_ws/
rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO --skip-keys=libcamera
colcon build --event-handlers=console_direct+

If you are using a binary distribution of libcamera, you can skip adding this to the workspace. Additionally, if you want to use the bloomed libcamera package in the ROS repos, you can also omit --skip-keys=libcamera and have this binary dependency resolved automatically.

Launching the Node

The package provides a standalone node executable:

ros2 run camera_ros camera_node

a composable node (camera::CameraNode):

ros2 component standalone camera_ros camera::CameraNode

and an example launch file for the composable node:

ros2 launch camera_ros


The camera node interfaces are compatible with the image_pipeline stack. The node publishes the camera images and camera parameters and provides a service to set the camera parameters.


name type description
~/image_raw sensor_msgs/msg/Image image
~/image_raw/compressed sensor_msgs/msg/CompressedImage image (compressed)
~/camera_info sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo camera parameters


name type description
~/set_camera_info sensor_msgs/srv/SetCameraInfo set camera parameters


The node provides two sets of parameters:

  1. static read-only parameters to configure the camera stream once at the beginning
  2. dynamic parameters which are generated from the camera controls to change per-frame settings and which can be changed at runtime

Those parameters can be set on the command line:

# standalone executable
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node --ros-args -p param1:=arg1 -p param2:=arg2
# composable node
ros2 component standalone camera_ros camera::CameraNode -p param1:=arg1 -p param2:=arg2

or dynamically via the ROS parameter API.

Static Camera Stream Configuration

The camera stream is configured once when the node starts via the following static read-only parameters:

name type description
camera integer or string selects the camera by index (e.g. 0) or by name (e.g. /base/soc/i2c0mux/i2c@1/ov5647@36) [default: 0]
role string configures the camera with a StreamRole (possible choices: raw, still, video, viewfinder) [default: viewfinder]
format string a PixelFormat that is supported by the camera [default: auto]
width, height integer desired image resolution [default: auto]

The configuration is done in the following order:

  1. select camera via camera
  2. configure camera stream via role
  3. set the pixel format for the stream via format
  4. set the image resolution for the stream via width and height

Each stream role only supports a discrete set of data stream configurations as a combination of the image resolution and pixel format. The selected stream configuration is validated at the end of this sequence and adjusted to the closest valid stream configuration.

By default, the node will select the first available camera and configures it with the default pixel format and image resolution. If a parameter has not been set, the node will print the available options and inform the user about the default choice.

The node avoids memory copies of the image data by directly mapping from a camera pixel format to a ROS image format, with the exception of converting between "raw" and "compressed" image formats when requested by the user. As an effect, not all pixel formats that are supported by the camera may be supported by the ROS image message. Hence, the options for format are limited to pixel formats that are supported by the camera and the raw ROS image message.

Dynamic Frame Configuration (controls)

The dynamic parameters are created at runtime by inspecting the controls that are exposed by the camera. The set of exposed controls is camera-dependent. The ROS parameters are directly formatted from the exposed controls, hence the parameter names match the control names.

libcamera does not expose the framerate directly as a parameter. Instead, the framerate range has to be converted to a duration: $$\text{duration} = \frac{1}{\text{framerate}} \cdot 10^6 \ µs$$ and then set via the control FrameDurationLimits, if it is exposed by the camera:

# set fixed framerate of 20 Hz (50 ms)
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node --ros-args -p FrameDurationLimits:="[50000,50000]"


The node uses the CameraInfoManager to manage the camera parameters, such as the camera intrinsics for projection and distortion coefficients for rectification. Its tasks include loading the parameters from the calibration file ~/.ros/camera_info/$NAME.yaml, publishing them on ~/camera_info and setting new parameters via service ~/set_camera_info.

If the camera has not been calibrated yet and the calibration file does not exist, the node will warn the user about the missing file (Camera calibration file ~/.ros/camera_info/$NAME.yaml not found) and publish zero-initialised intrinsic parameters. If you do not need to project between the 2D image plane and the 3D camera frame or rectify the image, you can safely ignore this.

To calibrate the camera and set the parameters, you can use the cameracalibrator from the camera_calibration package or any other node that interfaces with the ~/set_camera_info service.

Trouble Shooting

To debug the node, first compile it in Debug mode:

colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

and then run the node with libcamera and ROS debug information in gdb:

LIBCAMERA_LOG_LEVELS=*:DEBUG ros2 run --prefix 'gdb -ex run --args' camera_ros camera_node --ros-args --log-level camera:=debug -p width:=640 -p height:=480

Common Issues

No camera is detected (exception no cameras available)

For standard V4L2 camera devices, check that its connection is detected (lsusb) and that it is also detected by V4L2 (v4l2-ctl --list-devices).

On the Raspberry Pi, use sudo vclog --msg to inspect the VideoCore log messages for detected cameras. vclog is part of Raspberry Pi's utils repo at If this is not available in your distribution, such as Ubuntu, you have to build it from source:

# install build dependencies
sudo apt -y install --no-install-recommends wget ca-certificates gcc libc6-dev
# download vclog and build
gcc vclog.c -o vclog
# show VideoCore log messages
sudo ./vclog --msg

In the VideoCore log, you should find something like Found camera 'ov5647' [] or Found camera 'imx708' [...], which indicates the connected sensor, in these cases the OmniVision OV5647 and Sony IMX708. Look up this sensor in the Raspberry Pi camera modules Hardware Specification and match the detected sensor with with the camera module. In this case, the OmniVision OV5647 image sensor belongs to the Camera Module 1 and the Sony IMX708 to the Camera Module 3.

If you are using a Raspberry Pi Camera Module, make sure that it is supported by the libcamera variant that you have installed. For example, the official upstream libcamera supports the Camera Module 1 (OmniVision OV5647), while the Camera Module 3 (Sony IMX708) is currently only supported by the "raspberrypi" fork of libcamera. To verify that your camera is working with libcamera, build the cam example from the libcamera repo and list the camera devices with cam -l. For a camera with the OmniVision OV5647 sensor, this will show something like 'ov5647' (/base/axi/pcie@120000/rp1/i2c@88000/ov5647@36) and for the Sony IMX708 something like 'imx708_wide' (/base/axi/pcie@120000/rp1/i2c@88000/imx708@1a).

Buffer allocation issues (exception Failed to allocate buffers)

If the node fails to allocate buffers, you are probably running out of video memory. This is most likely the case on resource constrained devices with limited memory, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero.

To avoid this, either increase the video memory via raspi-config, or decrease the buffer size by reducing the image resolution (parameters width and height) and/or selecting a chroma subsampled or compressed pixel format that uses less bits per pixel (parameter format). For example, a raw format like XRGB8888 uses 32 bits for each individual pixel, while a chroma subsampled format like YUYV only uses 32 bits per two pixels due to the subsampling of the colour components. For details on pixel formats, see the Linux Kernel Image Formats documentation.