A reproducible document with an extended version of SPySort: Neuronal Spike Sorting with Python Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2014), edited by Pierre de Buyl and Nelle Varoquaux, pp. 27–34. The pdf version of this document is available on HAL (hal-01111654, version 1).
This is mainly an org file meaning a pure UTF-8 file, and an associated BibTeX file. To regenerate the analysis automatically, you need emacs and Python 3 or 2.
The files are:
, the "fundamental" file, all the others, exceptPouzatDetorakis2014.bib
can be generated from this one.PouzatDetorakis2014.bib
, the BibTeX file.sorting_with_python.py
, is a Python module with all the customed developed routines (it runs with both Python 2 and 3).