This project was developed as part of the Android development Course. It combines the functionality of the 3 most popular social media platforms(Facebook, Instagram and Twitter)
- Get trending hashtags from Twitter API
- Search for a hashtag using Twitter API
- Get twitter and instagram posts that contain a hashtag
- Get details of a certain twitter or instagram post(number of likes, retweets, comments)
- Like/Unlike and Retweet/Unretweet functionalities for Twitter Posts
- Create a post with a photo and/or text and publish it to the 3 social media platforms
- Create a story with a photo and publish it to the 3 social media platforms
- Java 8
- Facebook and Instagram API for retrieving instagram posts and create facebook posts
- Twitter API for retrieving twitter hashtags and posts and for the like and retweet functionalities
- OkHttp for HTTP-based network requests
- Twitter4j for publishing twitter posts
- Picasso for loading images to application