A simple example to get the exiration dates of api credentials for your users based off the HMAC example provided here: https://github.com/veracode/veracode-python-hmac-example
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/christyson/veracode-python-api_credentials_expiry-example
Install dependencies:
cd veracode-python-api_credentials_expiry-example
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Optional) Save Veracode API credentials in ~/.veracode/credentials
veracode_api_key_id = <YOUR_API_KEY_ID>
veracode_api_key_secret = <YOUR_API_KEY_SECRET>
If you have saved credentials as above you can run:
python userapiexpiry.py
Otherwise you will need to set environment variables before running example.py
python userapiexpiry.py
NOTE: To be able to use all the endpoints of the Identity REST APIs, you must have one of these account types:
API service account with the Admin API role.
user account with the Administrator role.
as described here: https://help.veracode.com/go/c_identity_intro