Simpleapp is a simple app that defines a basic kubernetes app i use in my trainings. It contains a simple MVC structure for packages, a Mux subrouter integration, kube manifests and an easy to learn structure.
Its main goals are:
- Making kubernetes endpoints for your app is easy
- Automating the kubernetes manifests with a little help of sed and make it fun to work with it
- To teach the fact that deploying and testing can go hand in hand
- To teach how fast you can actually setup a golang application for kubernetes and deploy them
NOTE: I usually present this in combination with a fine tuned visual studio dev container. So this project assumes that you are already running on a linux host. If this is not the case be arware that there will be another build step for you neccesairy in the dockerfile. Another upside of a container based development environment is just that you can skip the buildimage inbetween.
- Gracefull shutdown
- Logging to SDTOUT
- MVC Oriented architechture with mux subrouter
- Kubernetes manifests with nodeport ingress labels and deployment
- Makefile for debugging testing and deploying in docker as well as kubernetes
- Stubs for Kubernetes readiness and health
- Image building, versioning and deploying
- Build tags that are read inside of the app so version and buildtime are available in the package
- Uses as docker base image
- Thefore the built container is 8 MB only
- TIMEZONE support
- With the proper use of the makefile you will be able to iterate your project quickly: all thats needed for public use is a push to your cotainer registry
- You can modify a container quickly by adding different static files into the static folder for proofs. (For instance for demoing going from v1 to v2)
- Minimal dependencies: the only thing required by this package is gorilla/mux
HINT: The default namespace for Kubernetes is "default", you can change it by providing a NS argument:
make kube-apply NS=foo applies the kubernetes manifests in the namespace foo. If your namespace does not exist make kube-ns NS=foo will create it for you
make <target>
help Display this help.
fmt Run go fmt against code.
vet Run go vet against code.
test Run tests.
run Run.
commithistory create the commithistory in a nice format
clean remove previous binaries
build build a version of the app, pass Buildversion, Comit and projectname as build arguments
docker-build Build the docker image and tag it with the current version and :latest
docker-run Build the docker image and tag it and run it in docker
kube-manifests generated the kubernetes manifests and replaces variables in them
kube-clean removes release manifests
kube-apply apply kube manifests
kube-remove remove kube manifests
kube-renew build, docker-build, remove existing deployment, deploy