Bean is my effort to create a Java Virtual Machine.
Some statements:
- Made for embedded devices
- No full-featured JVM
- No extensive security features
- No HW-threads (e.g. POSIX)
The target platform is my ancient Arduino Duemilanove board with an Atmel ATmega320p (16 MHz, 32 KiB Flash, 2 KiB RAM). Not that much hardware for a Java VM ;-)
To compile and flash Bean you need avr-gcc and avrdude:
$ make micro
$ make program
Currently you cannot do anything useful with Bean but I will try to make a simple "hello world" pin 13 blink java class runable on the Bean VM. You can run (or at least try to run) the Hello program on the PC with:
$ ./bean -cp java/target/classes/ Hello
It will probably fail fast.