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a Google-owned dog pack


Dogpack is a Twitter bot which automates announcing and confirming meetups of DogpatchJS. It will:

  • Tweet announcing DogpatchJS the morning of the meetup
  • Tweet a reminder the day before the meetup
  • Accept RSVPs in the form of DMs containing emoji
  • Tweet a confirmation or cancellation of the event depending on how many RSVPs are received


Dogpack is hosted on AWS Lambda. To set up your own Dogpack:


  2. Create a new account on AWS

    1. Create a new user with "AdministratorAccess" privileges.
    2. Save Amazon credentials npx serverless config credentials --provider aws --key KEY --secret SECRET --profile dogpackProd.
  3. Create a new Twitter app key, setting callback URL to http://localhost:3000/callback.

  4. Copy messages.json.sample to messages.json, and customize with your meetup details.

  5. Authenticate with Twitter:

    1. Run node ./scripts/setupTwitter.js CONSUMER_KEY CONSUMER_SECRET > ../ and open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser.
    2. Click the link and authorize your Twitter app.
  6. Deploy: npx serverless --stage prod deploy

    1. Note the HTTPs endpoint URL for your webhook in the output. It might be of the form: Use this in the following step.
  7. Set up Twitter's DM Webhook: run ./scripts/setupWebhook.js ../ https://your-webhook-https-url

    You should now have a functioning bot! Test it out by triggering the "postEvent" and "postRSVPs" functions via npx serverless --stage prod invoke -f your-function-name -l