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LeetCode Practice Record

This repository contains my solutions and explanations for various LeetCode problems.

The problems are organized into directories based on the main technique or data structure needed to solve them.

Table of Contents

Data structure



  • 抽象化能力:將題序看懂,並了解題序中的限制,問題和其他問題的結構是否有相似之處,是否有數學模型能套用到該問題上。
  • 演算法、資料結構能力:題目的結構適合使用哪一個演算法策略來解,而在中間需要對資料進行什麼操作,是否有合適的資料結構來儲存,以節省這些資料操作的時間。
  • 實作能力:如何將演算法轉成實際的程式語言,使用的程式語言中是否有既有的語法或函式庫來實作,是否有邊界條件的測資無法通過。
  • 溝通能力:如何在 coding 過程中,將自己的想法清楚表達給面試官,在面試官給的題敘不夠詳盡、清楚時,是否可以透過溝通,將題目的需求和限制釐清


  • 看懂題目的敘述、測資,手動依照題目推演過測資
  • 思考 brute-force 的解法,注意各種邊界條件,邏輯縝密性
  • 思考更近一步,如何優化時間複雜度或空間複雜度
  • 將各種思路口頭敘述一遍,表達清楚(英語)
  • 扮演面試官,在出題過程中,是否有什麼變形,是否有什麼假設,哪個解法的障礙等等
  • 看別人的 discussion 和官方題解,是否有比自己更好的作法


Data Structure


  • Dynamic Array (Vector) Implementation: C++
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
217 Contains Duplicate C++ Easy 2024/06/12 [x] [ ]
238 Product of Array Except Self C++ Medium 2024/06/29 [x] [ ]
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II C++ Easy 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
42 Trapping Rain Water C++ Hard 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II C++ Medium 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
73 Set Matrix Zeroes C++ Medium 2024/07/03 [x] [ ]
56 Merge Intervals C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
57 Insert Interval C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
189 Rotate Array C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
1701 Average Waiting Time C++ Medium 2024/07/09 [x] [ ]
36 Valid Sudoku C++ Medium 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]

Hash Table

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
49 Group Anagrams C++ Medium 2024/06/17 [x] [ ]
347 Top K Frequent Elements C++ Medium 2024/06/17 [x] [ ]
169 Majority Element C++ Easy 2024/06/28 [x] [ ]
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) C++ Medium 2024/06/28 [x] [ ]
383 Ransom Note C++ Easy 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
290 Word Pattern C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
219 Contains Duplicate II C++ Easy 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]

Linked List

  • Singly Linked List Implementation: C++
  • Circular Linked List Implementation: C++
  • Double Linked List Implementation: C++
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
2095 Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List C Medium 2024/02/28 [x] [ ]
82 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II C Medium 2024/02/28 [x] [ ]
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group C Hard 2024/02/29 [x] [ ]
92 Reverse Linked List II C++ Medium 2024/04/03 [x] [ ]
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node C++ Medium 2024/04/03 [x] [ ]
23 Merge k Sorted Lists C Hard 2024/03/01 [x] [ ]
2181 Merge Nodes in Between Zeros C++ Medium 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
2058 Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points C++ Medium 2024/07/05 [x] [ ]
141 Linked List Cycle C++ Easy 2024/07/05 [x] [ ]
1836 Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List C++ Medium 2024/07/09 [x] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
2743 Count Substrings Without Repeating Character C++ Medium 2024/06/28 [x] [ ]
13 Roman to Integer C++ Easy 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
12 Integer to Roman C++ Medium 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
58 Length of Last Word C++ Easy 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
14 Longest Common Prefix C++ Easy 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
151 Reverse Words in a String C++ Medium 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
6 Zigzag Conversion C++ Medium 2024/07/03 [x] [ ]
28 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String C++ Easy 2024/07/03 [x] [ ]
1598 Crawler Log Folder C++ Easy 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]


  • Stack Implementation: C++
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
225 Implement Stack using Queues C++ Easy 2024/03/12 [x] [ ]
20 Valid Parentheses C++ Easy 2024/03/12 [x] [ ]
71 Simplify Path C++ Medium 2024/03/13 [x] [ ]
1249 Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses C++ Medium 2024/03/13 [x] [ ]
227 Basic Calculator II C++ Medium 2024/03/14 [x] [ ]
155 Min Stack C++ Hard 2024/03/25 [x] [ ]
1193 Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses C++ Medium 2024/07/11 [x] [ ]
2751 Robot Collisions C++ Hard 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]
726 Number of Atoms C++ Hard 2024/07/14 [x] [ ]
224 Basic Calculator C++ Hard 2024/03/14 [ ] [ ]


  • Queue Implementation by Singly Linked-list: C++
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
232 Implement Queue using Stacks C++ Easy 2024/03/12 [x] [ ]
362 Design Hit Counter C++ Medium 2024/03/17 [x] [ ]
387 First Unique Character in a String C++ Easy 2024/03/18 [x] [ ]
353 Design Snake Game C++ Medium 2024/03/18 [x] [ ]
239 Sliding Window Maximum C++ Hard 2024/03/19 [ ] [ ]

Binary Tree

  • Morris Traversal: C++
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ Easy 2024/03/21 [x] [ ]
98 Validate Binary Search Tree C++ Medium 2024/03/21 [x] [ ]
101 Symmetric Tree C++ Easy 2024/03/22 [x] [ ]
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ Medium 2024/03/22 [x] [ ]
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C++ Easy 2024/03/22 [x] [ ]
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ Medium 2024/03/22 [x] [ ]
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree C++ Medium 2024/03/23 [x] [ ]
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List C++ Medium 2024/03/23 [x] [ ]
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal C++ Easy 2024/03/26 [x] [ ]
270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value C++ Easy 2024/03/26 [x] [ ]
95 Unique Binary Search Trees II C++ Medium 2024/03/26 [x] [ ]
110 Balanced Binary Tree C++ Easy 2024/03/26 [x] [ ]
222 Count Complete Tree Nodes C++ Medium 2024/03/26 [x] [ ]
99 Recover Binary Search Tree C++ Medium 2024/03/27 [x] [ ]
100 Same Tree C++ Easy 2024/07/06 [x] [ ]
226 Invert Binary Tree C++ Easy 2024/07/06 [x] [ ]
129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers C++ Medium 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ Hard 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator C++ Medium 2024/07/11 [x] [ ]
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree C++ Medium 2024/07/11 [x] [ ]
530 Minimum Absolute Difference in BST C++ Easy 2024/07/11 [x] [ ]
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST C++ Medium 2024/07/11 [x] [ ]
637 Average of Levels in Binary Tree C++ Easy 2024/07/12 [x] [ ]
2196 Create Binary Tree From Descriptions C++ Medium 2024/07/15 [x] [ ]
1740 Find Distance in a Binary Tree C++ Medium 2024/07/15 [x] [ ]
2096 Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another C++ Medium 2024/07/16 [x] [ ]
1110 Delete Nodes And Return Forest C++ Medium 2024/07/17 [x] [ ]
1530 Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs C++ Medium 2024/07/18 [ ] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again


  • Min Heap Implementation: C
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream C++ Easy 2024/03/04 [ ] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) C++ Medium 2024/01/18 [x] [ ]

Monotonic Queue

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again

Disjoint Set

  • Linked-list implementation: main.cpp
  • Disjoint-sets Forest implementation: main.cpp
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
547 Number of Provinces C++ Medium 2024/01/27 [x] [ ]
261 Graph Valid Tree C++ Medium 2024/01/27 [x] [ ]



# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
75 Sort Colors C++ Medium 2024/06/12 [x] [ ]
274 H-Index C++ Medium 2024/06/29 [x] [ ]
148 Sort List C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]

Binary Search

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
704 Binary Search Iterative Recursive README Note Easy 2023/12/30 [x] [ ]
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array C++ README Note Medium 2023/12/31 [x] [ ]
287 Find the Duplicate Number Sort and Binary Search Bit Sum Note Medium 2024/01/01 [x] [ ]
162 Find Peak Element C++ Note Medium 2024/01/02 [x] [ ]
74 Search a 2D Matrix C++ Note Medium 2024/01/04 [x] [ ]
744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target C++ Note Easy 2024/01/04 [x] [ ]
1351 Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix C++ Note Easy 2024/01/04 [x] [ ]
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array C++ Note Medium 2024/01/05 [x] [ ]
436 Find Right Interval C++ Note Medium 2024/01/05 [x] [ ]
981 Time Based Key-Value Store C++ Note Medium 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++ Medium 2024/01/11 [x] [ ]
154 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ Hard 2024/01/11 [x] [ ]
702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size C++ Medium 2024/01/17 [ x] [ ]
362 Design Hit Counter C++ Medium 2024/03/17 [x] [ ]
633 Sum of Square Numbers C++ Medium 2024/06/17 [x] [ ]
# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
88 Merge Sorted Array C++ Easy 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
15 3Sum C++ Medium 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
1 Two Sum C++ Easy 2024/01/07 [x] [ ]
11 Container With Most Water C++ Note Medium 2024/01/07 [x] [ ]
34 Next Permutation C++ Note Medium 2024/01/07 [x] [ ]
125 Valid Palindrome C++ Easy 2024/07/03 [x] [ ]
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++ Easy 2024/07/14 [x] [ ]

Sliding Window

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
228 Summary Ranges C++ Easy 2024/07/04 [x] [ ]
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ Medium 2024/07/05 [x] [ ]

Bit Operation

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
1550 Three Consecutive Odds C++ Easy 2024/07/01 [ ] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again

Graph Algorithm

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
547 Number of Provinces C++ Medium 2024/01/27 [x] [ ]
261 Graph Valid Tree C++ Medium 2024/01/27 [x] [ ]
490 The Maze C++ Medium 2024/03/19 [x] [ ]
802 Find Eventual Safe States C++ Medium 2024/01/28 [ ] [ ]
695 Max Area of Island C++ Medium 2024/06/13 [x] [ ]
286 Walls and Gates C++ Medium 2024/06/13 [x] [ ]
994 Rotting Oranges C++ Medium 2024/06/13 [x] [ ]
2285 Maximum Total Importance of Roads C++ Medium 2024/06/28 [x] [ ]
841 Keys and Rooms C++ Medium 2024/07/06 [x] [ ]
1129 Shortest Path with Alternating Colors C++ Medium 2024/07/06 [x] [ ]
997 Find the Town Judge C++ Easy 2024/07/06 [x] [ ]
200 Number of Islands C++ Medium 2024/07/09 [x] [ ]
1926 Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze C++ Medium 2024/07/09 [x] [ ]
1557 Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes C++ Medium 2024/07/09 [x] [ ]
399 Evaluate Division C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]
733 Flood Fill C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]
207 Course Schedule C++ Medium 2024/06/14 [ ] [ ]


# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
948 Bag of Tokens C++ Medium 2024/03/04 [x] [ ]
1564 Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I C++ Medium 2024/06/15 [x] [ ]
134 Gas Station C++ Medium 2024/06/29 [ ] [ ]
1580 Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II C++ Medium 2024/06/15 [x] [ ]
135 Candy C++ Hard 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
1509 Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves C++ Medium 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
452 Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons C++ Medium 2024/07/10 [x] [ ]
1717 Maximum Split of Positive Even Integers C++ Medium 2024/07/12 [x] [ ]
68 Text Justification C++ Hard 2024/07/16 [x] [ ]

Dynamic Programming

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
70 Climbing Stairs C++ Easy 2024/01/04 [x] [ ]
1137 N-th Tribonacci Number C++ Easy 2024/01/05 [x] [ ]
746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs C++ Easy 2024/01/05 [x] [ ]
198 House Robber C++ Medium 2024/01/05 [x] [ ]
740 Delete and Earn C++ Note Medium 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
62 Unique Paths C++ Note Medium 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
64 Minimum Path Sum C++ Medium 2024/01/06 [x] [ ]
63 Unique Paths II C++ Medium 2024/01/11 [x] [ ]
120 Triangle C++ Medium 2024/01/13 [x] [ ]
931 Minimum Falling Path Sum C++ Medium 2024/01/16 [x] [ ]
221 Maximal Square C++ Medium 2024/01/17 [x] [ ]
5 Longest Palindromic Substring C++ Note Medium 2024/01/17 [x] [ ]
139 Word Break C++ Note Medium 2024/01/18 [x] [ ]
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence C++ Medium 2024/01/18 [x] [ ]
72 Edit Distance C++ Medium 2024/01/22 [x] [ ]
712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings C++ Medium 2024/01/25 [x] [ ]
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ Medium 2024/01/25 [x] [ ]
673 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ Medium 2024/01/25 [x] [ ]
646 Maximum Length of Pair Chain C++ Medium 2024/01/25 [x] [ ]
1218 Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference C++ Medium 2024/01/26 [x] [ ]
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum C++ Medium 2024/06/13 [x] [ ]
55 Jump Game C++ Medium 2024/06/29 [x] [ ]
45 Jump Game II C++ Medium 2024/07/02 [x] [ ]
2582 Pass the Pillow C++ Easy 2024/07/07 [x] [ ]
1823 Find the Winner of the Circular Game C++ Medium 2024/07/08 [x] [ ]
53 Maximum Subarray C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]

Divide and Conquer

# Title Solution Note Difficulty Date Done Think Again
427 Construct Quad Tree C++ Medium 2024/07/13 [x] [ ]



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