This repository contains my solutions and explanations for various LeetCode problems.
The problems are organized into directories based on the main technique or data structure needed to solve them.
- Array
- Linked List
- Hash Table
- Set
- String
- Stack
- Queue
- Heap
- Binary Tree
- Trie
- Monotonic Queue
- Disjoint Set
- 抽象化能力:將題序看懂,並了解題序中的限制,問題和其他問題的結構是否有相似之處,是否有數學模型能套用到該問題上。
- 演算法、資料結構能力:題目的結構適合使用哪一個演算法策略來解,而在中間需要對資料進行什麼操作,是否有合適的資料結構來儲存,以節省這些資料操作的時間。
- 實作能力:如何將演算法轉成實際的程式語言,使用的程式語言中是否有既有的語法或函式庫來實作,是否有邊界條件的測資無法通過。
- 溝通能力:如何在 coding 過程中,將自己的想法清楚表達給面試官,在面試官給的題敘不夠詳盡、清楚時,是否可以透過溝通,將題目的需求和限制釐清
- 看懂題目的敘述、測資,手動依照題目推演過測資
- 思考 brute-force 的解法,注意各種邊界條件,邏輯縝密性
- 思考更近一步,如何優化時間複雜度或空間複雜度
- 將各種思路口頭敘述一遍,表達清楚(英語)
- 扮演面試官,在出題過程中,是否有什麼變形,是否有什麼假設,哪個解法的障礙等等
- 看別人的 discussion 和官方題解,是否有比自己更好的作法
- Dynamic Array (Vector) Implementation: C++
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
217 | Contains Duplicate | C++ | Easy | 2024/06/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/29 | [x] | [ ] | |
350 | Intersection of Two Arrays II | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
42 | Trapping Rain Water | C++ | Hard | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
80 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
73 | Set Matrix Zeroes | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
56 | Merge Intervals | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
57 | Insert Interval | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
189 | Rotate Array | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
1701 | Average Waiting Time | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/09 | [x] | [ ] | |
36 | Valid Sudoku | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/10 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
49 | Group Anagrams | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/17 | [x] | [ ] | |
347 | Top K Frequent Elements | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/17 | [x] | [ ] | |
169 | Majority Element | C++ | Easy | 2024/06/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
380 | Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
383 | Ransom Note | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
128 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
290 | Word Pattern | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
219 | Contains Duplicate II | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/10 | [x] | [ ] |
- Singly Linked List Implementation: C++
- Circular Linked List Implementation: C++
- Double Linked List Implementation: C++
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
2095 | Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List | C | Medium | 2024/02/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
82 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | C | Medium | 2024/02/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
25 | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | C | Hard | 2024/02/29 | [x] | [ ] | |
92 | Reverse Linked List II | C++ | Medium | 2024/04/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
116 | Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node | C++ | Medium | 2024/04/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | C | Hard | 2024/03/01 | [x] | [ ] | |
2181 | Merge Nodes in Between Zeros | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
2058 | Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/05 | [x] | [ ] | |
141 | Linked List Cycle | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/05 | [x] | [ ] | |
1836 | Remove Duplicates From an Unsorted Linked List | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/09 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
2743 | Count Substrings Without Repeating Character | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
13 | Roman to Integer | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
12 | Integer to Roman | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
58 | Length of Last Word | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
151 | Reverse Words in a String | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
6 | Zigzag Conversion | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
28 | Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
1598 | Crawler Log Folder | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/10 | [x] | [ ] |
- Stack Implementation: C++
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
225 | Implement Stack using Queues | C++ | Easy | 2024/03/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
20 | Valid Parentheses | C++ | Easy | 2024/03/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
71 | Simplify Path | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
1249 | Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
227 | Basic Calculator II | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/14 | [x] | [ ] | |
155 | Min Stack | C++ | Hard | 2024/03/25 | [x] | [ ] | |
1193 | Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/11 | [x] | [ ] | |
2751 | Robot Collisions | C++ | Hard | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
726 | Number of Atoms | C++ | Hard | 2024/07/14 | [x] | [ ] | |
224 | Basic Calculator | C++ | Hard | 2024/03/14 | [ ] | [ ] |
- Queue Implementation by Singly Linked-list: C++
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | C++ | Easy | 2024/03/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
362 | Design Hit Counter | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/17 | [x] | [ ] | |
387 | First Unique Character in a String | C++ | Easy | 2024/03/18 | [x] | [ ] | |
353 | Design Snake Game | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/18 | [x] | [ ] | |
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | C++ | Hard | 2024/03/19 | [ ] | [ ] |
- Morris Traversal: C++
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
- Min Heap Implementation: C
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
703 | Kth Largest Element in a Stream | C++ | Easy | 2024/03/04 | [ ] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/18 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
547 | Number of Provinces | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/27 | [x] | [ ] | |
261 | Graph Valid Tree | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/27 | [x] | [ ] |
- Insertion Sort Implementation: InsertionSort.c
- Selection Sort Implementation: SelectionSort.c
- Bubbble Sort Implementation: BubbleSort.c
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
75 | Sort Colors | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
274 | H-Index | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/29 | [x] | [ ] | |
148 | Sort List | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
88 | Merge Sorted Array | C++ | Easy | 2024/01/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
15 | 3Sum | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
1 | Two Sum | C++ | Easy | 2024/01/07 | [x] | [ ] | |
11 | Container With Most Water | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/07 | [x] | [ ] |
34 | Next Permutation | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/07 | [x] | [ ] |
125 | Valid Palindrome | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/03 | [x] | [ ] | |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/14 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
228 | Summary Ranges | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/05 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
1550 | Three Consecutive Odds | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/01 | [ ] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
- Adjacency List Implementation: main.cpp
- BFS Implementation main.cpp
- DFS Implementation dfs-with-adjacency-matrix.cpp
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
547 | Number of Provinces | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/27 | [x] | [ ] | |
261 | Graph Valid Tree | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/27 | [x] | [ ] | |
490 | The Maze | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/19 | [x] | [ ] | |
802 | Find Eventual Safe States | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/28 | [ ] | [ ] | |
695 | Max Area of Island | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
286 | Walls and Gates | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
994 | Rotting Oranges | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
2285 | Maximum Total Importance of Roads | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/28 | [x] | [ ] | |
841 | Keys and Rooms | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
1129 | Shortest Path with Alternating Colors | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
997 | Find the Town Judge | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
200 | Number of Islands | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/09 | [x] | [ ] | |
1926 | Nearest Exit from Entrance in Maze | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/09 | [x] | [ ] | |
1557 | Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/09 | [x] | [ ] | |
399 | Evaluate Division | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
733 | Flood Fill | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
207 | Course Schedule | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/14 | [ ] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
948 | Bag of Tokens | C++ | Medium | 2024/03/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
1564 | Put Boxes Into the Warehouse I | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/15 | [x] | [ ] | |
134 | Gas Station | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/29 | [ ] | [ ] | |
1580 | Put Boxes Into the Warehouse II | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/15 | [x] | [ ] | |
135 | Candy | C++ | Hard | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
1509 | Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
452 | Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/10 | [x] | [ ] | |
1717 | Maximum Split of Positive Even Integers | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/12 | [x] | [ ] | |
68 | Text Justification | C++ | Hard | 2024/07/16 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
70 | Climbing Stairs | C++ | Easy | 2024/01/04 | [x] | [ ] | |
1137 | N-th Tribonacci Number | C++ | Easy | 2024/01/05 | [x] | [ ] | |
746 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | C++ | Easy | 2024/01/05 | [x] | [ ] | |
198 | House Robber | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/05 | [x] | [ ] | |
740 | Delete and Earn | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/06 | [x] | [ ] |
62 | Unique Paths | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/06 | [x] | [ ] |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/06 | [x] | [ ] | |
63 | Unique Paths II | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/11 | [x] | [ ] | |
120 | Triangle | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
931 | Minimum Falling Path Sum | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/16 | [x] | [ ] | |
221 | Maximal Square | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/17 | [x] | [ ] | |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/17 | [x] | [ ] |
139 | Word Break | C++ | Note | Medium | 2024/01/18 | [x] | [ ] |
516 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/18 | [x] | [ ] | |
72 | Edit Distance | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/22 | [x] | [ ] | |
712 | Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/25 | [x] | [ ] | |
300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/25 | [x] | [ ] | |
673 | Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/25 | [x] | [ ] | |
646 | Maximum Length of Pair Chain | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/25 | [x] | [ ] | |
1218 | Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference | C++ | Medium | 2024/01/26 | [x] | [ ] | |
416 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/13 | [x] | [ ] | |
55 | Jump Game | C++ | Medium | 2024/06/29 | [x] | [ ] | |
45 | Jump Game II | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/02 | [x] | [ ] | |
2582 | Pass the Pillow | C++ | Easy | 2024/07/07 | [x] | [ ] | |
1823 | Find the Winner of the Circular Game | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/08 | [x] | [ ] | |
53 | Maximum Subarray | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] |
# | Title | Solution | Note | Difficulty | Date | Done | Think Again |
427 | Construct Quad Tree | C++ | Medium | 2024/07/13 | [x] | [ ] |
- Leetcode刷題學習筆記--心得統整 - HackMD
- 0到100的軟體工程師面試之路 :: 2022 iThome 鐵人賽
- 演算法學習之-Leetcode-破關總指南(一). 新手村與基本功訓練 | by Arthur Lin | AppWorks School | Medium
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- 從面試官角度來看程式面試:兩大能力與七個階段