A minimal skeleton for chubbyjs-framework.
- node: 14
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-framework: ^1.1.7
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-framework-router-path-to-regexp: ^1.0.1
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-http-message: ^1.1.1
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-laminas-config: ^1.0.2
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-node-psr-http-message-bridge: ^1.2.1
- @chubbyjs/chubbyjs-pino-psr: ^1.0.0
- commander: ^8.2.0"
git clone https://github.com/chubbyjs/chubbyjs-framework-skeleton.git my-project
cd my-project
rm -r .git
git init
npm start
Commands is code that is meant to be executed on command line.
RequestHandler alias Controller, or Controller actions to be more precise.
Service factories are the glue code of the dependeny injection container.
Dominik Zogg 2021