This program can be used for estimating epidemiological parameters. This is achieved with Gibbs sampling.
Simply cd
to the flu-sampler
folder, and run make
$ cd flu-sampler/
$ make
From the flu-sampler
folder, run
$ ./flu-sampler [-s <seed>] [-v <vid>] [-m <mode>] [-l <length>] [-t <thinning>] [-i <imitations>]
where is a seed (non-negative integer) for the random number generator;
is an identifier for the output files;
can be mcmc
for MCMC, wbic
for WBIC, help
for help;
is the length of the chain (pre-thinning)
is the number of states skipped between stored states
is the number of simulated timeseries
TODO: new features added
The following files need to be present in the data/essential folder: Data needed for MCMC:
-- contact matrix for the 6 age classessortedIliData.txt
-- simplified and combined the ILI dataseasons-daynumbers.txt
-- seasons defined by an interval of day numbers (from 01/01/1970 onwards)
If all goes well, the following files will be created in the data/ folder after running the program:
- full-ili-chain-.xml -- the thinned chain (posterior)
- sili-.xml -- simulated data, parameters sampled from the posterior
where is an identifier given by the uses (defaults to "test"
TODO: new IO files added
Jupyter notebooks with the extension .ipython.cln
are included in the repository.
These are clean versions of the notebooks (i.e. without output).
In order to make the actual notebooks, run from the folder flu-sampler-project/flu-sampler/
make -f nbs.makefile
The following notebook can be used for analysing the chain, plotting data, producing easy-to-parse data files:
-- load the chain, and analyseplot-simulated-data-age-stratified.ipynb
-- load simulated data (sampled from posterior) and plotsort-raw-ili-data.ipynb
-- make data files (requires original ILI data)- TODO
Before you want to commit modified notebooks to the repository, run
make -f cln.makefile
This will write cleared copies of the notebooks x.ipynb
to the files x.ipynb.cln