Please refer to the documentation.
Layer Version | ARN | Python Version | Architecture |
1 | arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:331561773057:layer:CiboTilerLayer-python312-arm64-prod:1 | 3.12 | arm64 |
Use one of the layers above in your Lambda function. You should now be able to import the
module as documented below.
If you wish to install the cibotiling
package in your existing Python environment, run ::
cd layers/cibo
pip install .
For more information on how to use this package, please refer to the documentation.
Building CiboTiler is a little bit more complex than just installing some Python files. We need to have GDAL available with the Python bindings, plus all enough of the GDAL dependencies (GEOS, PROJ etc). See our makefile for more information.
Currently, we are focused on building for ARM on a AWS Graviton machines and make layers
available for this architecture. We will make x86_64
builds available if there is demand. Do do this yourself
you will need to pass through the Architecture
parameter as x86_64
into template.yaml
AWS SAM needs to be installed first.
The install of SAM under Ubuntu isn't totally straightforward. The install instructions are here:
These instructions seem to indicate that installing SAM globally on the machine
works. However, we have discovered that this appears to
introduce a problem where the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
in the test Lambda function is set
incorrectly. There is now an assert in the test function to catch this situation.
We instead recommend that SAM is installed into a Python virtual env as shown below:
python3 -m venv .sam_venv
source .sam_venv/bin/activate
cd aws-sam-cli-src
pip install .
You will need to activate this virtual env each time you wish to work on cibo_tilerlayer.
NOTE: if you get a 'port in use' error when running
, run ::
ps -ef | grep sam
And look for the process that starts with /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/sam
Testing and deployment are handled by the
script. Note that everything
has 2 modes - 'dev' and 'prod' - this is controlled by the --environment
does a build of the layer first before running anything else.
Note that the test data uses the Sentinel-2 COGS STAC index to find suitable images to test with and this data is within the us-west-2 AWS Region.
For testing, use the -m test
mode to
. This will spin up a local
lambda function and run some tests against the layer.
To avoid rebuilding the layer each time you make a change to the
you can follow the instructions in tilertest/
to copy it so it is included
in the test function.
Use -m deploy
to deploy (the hopefully tested) Lambda function.
Note that whether the dev or prod mode is used is controlled by the --environment
The envrionments are identical but prod is more stable where dev is more cutting edge.
The ARN of the created layer (after deployment) is placed in the output of the CiboTilerLayerARN-arm64-dev
or CiboTilerLayerARN-arm64-prod
CloudFormation stacks. Use this name in Lambdas that need this
layer. Note that you can't use Fn::ImportValue
in AWS SAM in local mode and that
you probably want to use a fixed version of this layer so you don't suddenly get the
latest on redeploy.
Note that if you change the layer version, this gets change picked up when you run sam local
in your
project. However this doesn't seem to be changed when you run sam deploy
... The only way to address
this appears to select the Lambda function in the AWS Console and click on 'Layers' and then 'Edit'
and bump the version here too.
In client Lambdas, to be able to find the shared libraries the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
should be set
in the Environment/Variables section like this::
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: "/opt/python/lib:/var/lang/lib:/lib64:/usr/lib64:/var/runtime:/var/runtime/lib:/var/task:/opt/lib"
You may also wish to set some of the other GDAL options like this::
GDAL_DATA: "/opt/python/share/gdal"
PROJ_LIB: "/opt/python/share/proj"
VSI_CACHE_SIZE: "536870912"
CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: ".tif,.tif.aux.xml,.vrt"
CPL_TMPDIR: "/tmp"