JavaPermutationTools, v5.0.0
[5.0.0] - 2022-11-18
BREAKING CHANGES: See the Removed section for details.
- Added the SequenceSampler interface's methods to SequenceCompositeSampler.
- Added the SequenceSampler interface's methods to SequenceReservoirSampler.
- Added the SequenceSampler interface's methods to SequencePoolSampler.
- Added the SequenceSampler interface's methods to SequenceInsertionSampler.
- Methods to sample by specifying probability of including element in sample to the classes that implement SequenceSampler
including SequenceReservoirSampler, SequencePoolSampler, SequenceInsertionSampler, and SequenceCompositeSampler.
- SequenceSampler converted from a utility class of static methods to an interface, retaining the existing static
methods that use a default source of randomness, but introducing nextSample methods for classes to implement.
- SequenceSampler.sampleReservoir methods, previously deprecated in 4.3.0, replaced by the SequenceReservoirSampler class.
- SequenceSampler.samplePool methods, previously deprecated in 4.3.0, replaced by the SequencePoolSampler class.
- SequenceSampler.sampleInsertion methods, previously deprecated in 4.3.0, replaced by the SequenceInsertionSampler class.
- Bump rho-mu from 2.5.0 to 3.0.1