A library to do consistent hashing in Rust.
Get the crate at conshash
extern crate conshash;
#[derive(Clone , Debug)]
struct TestNode {
host_name: &'static str,
ip_address: &'static str,
port: u32,
impl ToString for TestNode {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
format!("{}{}", self.ip_address.to_string(), self.port.to_string())
let mut hash_ring = Ring::new(5);
let test_node = TestNode{host_name: "Skynet", ip_address: "", port: 42};
let x = hash_ring.get_node(hash(&format!("{}{}", test_node.to_string(), 0.to_string())));
// x is the node in the form of an Option<T> where T: Clone + ToString + Debug