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How to Install Launch Toolbar

  1. Install Tampermonkey (see instructions below)

  2. Click on this link
    latest Tampermonkey Code Here

  3. Click Install and you are done!

  4. Please Read 'Email Function' and 'Log a Chat / Call'

Don't Have Tampermonkey Installed???

  1. Open this link in a new tab

  2. Click the '+ ADD TO CHROME' button

  3. Click 'Add Extension' on the pop-up.

WOOHOO You installed Tampermonkey!

Email Function

  1. Click the Email icon

  2. Choose the launch team member that you would like to send an email too.

  3. You will be lead to the 'Send Email' screen.

  4. The email text areas will be filled out.

    • To: Will be empty (please leave blank, recipient email placed in 'Additional To:'
    • Additional To: (auto filled with owner email)
    • CC: (auto filled with Jennifer W. and Erika M.)
    • Subject: (auto filled with Launch and Web-ID)
  5. Fill out the body of the email.

  6. Just fill in the body of your email, SalesForce will auto append your signature settings made through SalesForce : My Settings.

  7. Press 'Send' once your email has been written.

  8. DONE! You will be redirected to the launch.

Tool Info

Log a Chat / Call

  1. Click the Log Chat icon

  2. Choose the launch team member you would like to send an email too.

  3. You will be lead to the 'Log Activity' screen.

  4. The 'contact' field will be filled out with launch owner's name

  5. Update the 'subject' field. (Chat or Call)

  6. Update the 'type' field. (Spoke To or Chat)

  7. Update the 'comments' field.

  8. Update the 'Attendees' field. (Internal)

  9. Click 'save'

  10. DONE! You will be redirected to the launch.

Report Issues / Suggest Enhancements

  1. Open this link in a new tab.

  2. Create a Github account.

  3. Log into your new account.

  4. Cick 'new issue'

  5. Add issue or enhnacement details

  6. Click 'submit new issue'

  7. Done!

Change Log

v4.5 8/8/2017

  1. Updated Nextgen text links - Removed the Proof link
  2. Added additional functionality to the 'log activity' and 'email team member' tool

v4.4 6/15/2017

  1. Updated Edit in WSM link --> Copy WSM link
    • This is to prevent multiple instances of WSM open at one time.

v4.3 5/22/2017

  1. Updated URL check to match the new SalesForce Account Summary URL

v4.2 5/4/2017

  1. Settings added to tool

    • Coloring of launch feilds
    • Font re-sizing
  2. Added "Account Number" to tool

  3. Made "Email" and "Log Activity" open in current window.