Work with the CatalystCenter APIs in native Python!
catalystcentersdk is a community developed Python library for working with the CatalystCenter APIs. Our goal is to make working with CatalystCenter in Python a native and natural experience!
from catalystcentersdk import api
# Create a CatalystCenterAPI connection object;
# it uses CatalystCenter sandbox URL, username and password, with CatalystCenter API version
# and requests to verify the server's TLS certificate with verify=True.
catalyst = api.CatalystCenterAPI(username="devnetuser",
# Find all devices that have 'Switches and Hubs' in their family
devices = catalyst.devices.get_device_list(family='Switches and Hubs')
# Print all of demo devices
for device in devices.response:
print('{:20s}{}'.format(device.hostname, device.upTime))
# Find all tags
all_tags = catalyst.tag.get_tag(sort_by='name', order='des')
demo_tags = [tag for tag in all_tags.response if 'Demo' in ]
# Delete all of the demo tags
for tag in demo_tags:
# Create a new demo tag
demo_tag = catalyst.tag.create_tag(name='catalyst Demo')
task_demo_tag = catalyst.task.get_task_by_id(task_id=demo_tag.response.taskId)
if not task_demo_tag.response.isError:
# Retrieve created tag
created_tag = catalyst.tag.get_tag(name='catalyst Demo')
# Update tag
update_tag = catalyst.tag.update_tag(id=created_tag.response[0].id,
name='Updated ' + created_tag.response[0].name,
description='Catalyst demo tag')
# Retrieved updated
updated_tag = catalyst.tag.get_tag(name='Updated catalyst Demo')
# Get task error details
print('Unfortunately ', task_demo_tag.response.progress)
print('Reason: ', task_demo_tag.response.failureReason)
# Advance usage example using Custom Caller functions
# Define the get_global_credentials and create_netconf_credentials functions
# under the custom_caller wrapper.
# Call them with:
# catalyst.custom_caller.get_global_credentials('NETCONF')
# catalyst.custom_caller.create_netconf_credentials('65533')
def setup_custom():
lambda credential_type:
'credentialSubType': credential_type
lambda port:
"netconfPort": port
# Add the custom API calls to the connection object under the custom_caller wrapper
# Call the newly added functions
Check out the complete Introduction
catalystcentersdk handles all of this for you:
- Reads your CatalystCenter credentials from environment variables.
- Reads your CatalystCenter API version from environment variable CATALYST_CENTER_VERSION.
- Controls whether to verify the server's TLS certificate or not according to the verify parameter.
- Reads your CatalystCenter debug from environment variable CATALYST_CENTER_DEBUG. Boolean.
- Wraps and represents all CatalystCenter API calls as a simple hierarchical tree of native-Python methods
- If your Python IDE supports auto-completion (like PyCharm_), you can navigate the available methods and object attributes right within your IDE
- Represents all returned JSON objects as native Python objects - you can access all of the object's attributes using native dot.syntax
- Automatic Rate-Limit Handling Sending a lot of requests to CatalystCenter? Don't worry; we have you covered. CatalystCenter will respond with a rate-limit response, which will automatically be caught and "handled" for you.
- Refresh token Each time the token becomes invalid, the SDK will generate a new valid token for you.
Installing and upgrading catalystcentersdk is easy:
Install via PIP
$ pip install catalystcentersdk
Upgrading to the latest Version
$ pip install catalystcentersdk --upgrade
The following table shows the supported versions.
Cisco CatalystCenter version | Python "catalystcentersdk" version |
---|---| | | | | | |
If your SDK is older please consider updating it first.
Excellent documentation is now available at:
Check out the Quickstart to dive in and begin using catalystcentersdk.
Please see the releases page for release notes on the incremental functionality and bug fixes incorporated into the published releases.
catalystcentersdk is a community developed and community supported project. If you experience any issues using this package, please report them using the issues page.
catalystcentersdk is a community development projects. Feedback, thoughts, ideas, and code contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing guide for more information.
This library is inspired by the webexteamssdk library
All notable changes to this project will be documented in the CHANGELOG file.
The development team may make additional name changes as the library evolves with the Cisco CatalystCenter APIs.
Copyright (c) 2024 Cisco Systems.