Scripts that support publishing work zone location data to a geojson feed specified by USDOT called WZDx.
AMANDA is software used by the city to manage permitting. This data source is only for the TURP permits that are issued.
TURP permits can close entire roadways or a few lanes.
Excavation permits frequently require a lane closure in at least one direction. This feed only includes those excavation permits issued for the roadway or those next to the roadway.
It is recommended to run this script using the docker container. You can build it using:
Note, if you are on Apple Silicon you may need to add --platform linux/amd64
to get GDAL to install correctly.
$ docker build . -t dts-work-zone-data-feed:production
Then, run it with an env_file created using the env_template.
$ docker run -it --env-file env_file dts-work-zone-data-feed /bin/bash
$ python data_sources/