Combined Intelligence for Translational Health Research (CIX) is the data, analytics and trials’ management environment that will enable Mental Health Research and Innovation Centre (M-RIC) to deliver a mental health learning system at civic scale. CIX will build on core-business NHS/CDC infrastructure for research to avoid duplication of effort, improve opportunities for service-users to participate in trials and provide quicker turnaround-times for industry partners, eg for feasibility analyses. CIX will link and organise data to be research-ready, using not only the data from ICS shared-care records and extracting information from other sources, eg, text-mining psychiatric notes, analysing brain images and organising data on patterns of behaviour into useful phenotypes not captured by traditional diagnoses.
Work Package Objectives (24 months)
- Build the CIX data infrastructure initially for ten workspaces and five trials
- Establish CIX information governance standard operating procedures
- Deploy CIX in MCFT with Microsoft to NHS England TRE standards with open-source technologies, building on a year’s preparation of a blueprint replicable/networkable across UK mental health services, and with (sub)national NHS data services
- Enhance mental health dataflows into CIPHA (then CIX for research), including social prescribing, environmental, genomic, imaging and person-captured data (eg wearables) closing the action-research loop