Next.js + Styled Components + TypeScript. Boilerplate packed with useful development features.
Made by Cristian J. Ambrosi
Brief explanation of how you can use this project.
Using as a template for a new repository. Read more about template repositories.
Click the "Use this template" button and select "Create a new repository", to create your new repository based on this template repository.
Using the CLI tool create-next-app.
Create your App with this boilerplate directly using the
command:yarn create next-app -e app-name or npx create-next-app -e app-name
We recommend using Yarn as the package manager to ensure the proper functioning of Husky hooks.
Install dependencies:
yarn install
npm i
Run the App:
yarn dev
npm run dev
Run the Storybook:
yarn storybook
npm run storybook
This boilerplate comes packaged with:
- Next.js v13
- React.js v18
- TypeScript
- Styled Components — Make components using css-in-js
- Zustand — A powerful and simple state manager. You can even use the Context API
- i18n (Internacionalization) — Manage texts for different languages using the next-intl package
- Jest and Testing Library — Configured for unit testing
- ESLint — Find and fix problems in your code, also will auto sort your imports
- Prettier — Format your code consistently
- Husky and Lint Staged — Run scripts in staged files before they are committed
- Conventional Commit Lint — Make sure you and your teammates follow conventional commit
- Storybook — Document your components intelligently and interactively
Contributions are welcome! 🤘
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Cristian J. Ambrosi 🚇 |
Licensed under the MIT License