Run the following commands in the terminal:
- docker compose up --detach
- docker compose exec php bash
- composer install
- bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- bin/console app:crawl
Crawling only has to be done once and will take 4~5 minutes to complete due to built-in delays.
Once completed, you'll have a running environment with a local copy of the Rick and Morty data.
The following commands are created as per the assignment;
- meeseeks:character:character
- meeseeks:character:episode
- meeseeks:character:location
All of these commands support searching via name, API ID, and API url.
Use the -h
or --help
for more details and possible other search methods.
Here you quickly reference how to test the assignment requirements.
- Show all characters that exist (or are last seen) in a given dimension
meeseeks:character:location --dimension "name of dimension"
- Show all characters that exist (or are last seen) at a given location
meeseeks:character:location --name "name of location"
- this will show you results of this location across ALL dimensions
- if you want only those of a specific dimension, specify it in the search string
- example:
"Earth (C-137)"
meeseeks:character:location --id "id of location"
- Show all characters that partake in a given episode
meeseeks:character:episode --name "name of episode"
meeseeks:character:episode --code "episode code"
- episode code is SxxEyy where xx is a 2-digit season number and yy is a 2-digit episode number
- example: "S01E4" fetches the 4th episode of the 1st season
meeseeks:character:episode --id "episode number"
- episode number across all seasons correlates with the episode ID
- example: episode 4 is episode 4 of season 1
- example: episode 12 is episode 2 of season 2
- Showing all information of a character (Name, species, gender, last location, dimension, etc)
- this has been implemented as the output of the above commands