Example project to update Mule logging for
- adding an "Apache / Nginx" access log
- adding a truncated Mule message.id to all Mule flow log messages
The formatted access log displays the following fields:
- Timestamp
- truncated Mule message.id
- client's remote IP address
- http method
- http status
- show an exception symbol, if exception occured within flow
- peformance time of flow in milliseconds
- client's user agent
- flow name
- if exists, correlation id, else display full Mule message.id
An example access log:
2019-03-14 12:09:04,462 7ce02b / GET 200 http://localhost/correlation | 255ms, userAgent=curl/7.59.0, flowName=CorrelationIdExampleFlow, correlationId=7ce
2019-03-14 12:09:16,765 845fb9 / GET 200 http://localhost/simple | 9ms, userAgent=curl/7.59.0, flowName=SimpleExampleFlow, message.id=845fb940-4673-11e9-
2019-03-14 12:09:56,792 993017 / GET 200 http://localhost/wait | 5116ms, userAgent=curl/7.59.0, flowName=WaitExampleFlow, message.id=993017c0-4673-11e9-ad
2019-03-14 12:10:15,733 a77e33 / GET ??? E http://localhost/error | 57ms, userAgent=curl/7.59.0, flowName=ErrorExampleFlow, message.id=a77e33c0-4673-11e9-ad
An example application log with a truncated Mule message.id:
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:17,372 [.worker.01] m.clark.mule.i.AccessLogInterceptor: 22af53 SimpleExampleFlow - GET http://localhost/simple - /
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:17,374 [.worker.01] g.mule.api.p.LoggerMessageProcessor: 22af53 some simple logging
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:21,337 [.worker.01] m.clark.mule.i.AccessLogInterceptor: 251382 WaitExampleFlow - GET http://localhost/wait - /
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:21,337 [.worker.01] g.mule.api.p.LoggerMessageProcessor: 251382 before wait
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:26,576 [.worker.01] g.mule.api.p.LoggerMessageProcessor: 251382 after wait
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:30,911 [.worker.01] m.clark.mule.i.AccessLogInterceptor: 2ac862 CorrelationIdExampleFlow - GET http://localhost/correlation - /
INFO 2019-03-14 13:25:30,911 [.worker.01] g.mule.api.p.LoggerMessageProcessor: 2ac862 setting correlationId