Purpose of the this coding challenge is to learn git basics operations.
At the end of the this coding challenge, students will be able to;
clone a repositoriy from GitHub
make basic Git operations in local repository
send the changes to remote repository
If you have not already done so, set up a GitHub account and send your email or username from slack.
Clone the repository at https://github.com/clarusway/Clarusway-Full-Stack-Prep-12-Git-Workshop.git
Add a file that describes you and named your_number_name.txt to the participants directory.
First, stage the changes.
then comit your changes. Use a meaningful message like "Added information about YOUR NAME HERE."
Use git push to send your change to the remote repository.
Look online to see if your change has been pushed.
Wait until some other students have pushed their update. Then use git pull to get their change into your repository. Verify that you have the new file.
Use git log or git log | less to see a list of changes to the repository.
Edit the file participants.md to add your name. Then add the file, commit it, and push it.
Whoever tries to push the file first will likely succeed. Whoever tries to push the file second will likely get an error message. Figure out how to resolve the error message.
Create a new branch named <yournumber_name> and switch to it.
Create a new folder name as <yournumber_name> and add a text file inside this folder and type "working with branches" into this text file.
Once done above steps stage, commit and push to repo.