Kamaji v0.3.1 can be installed using its v0.12.2 Helm Chart.
Remember to add the CLASTIX repository and update it:
helm repo add clastix https://clastix.github.io/charts helm repo update
Images can be pulled from Docker hub:
docker pull clastix/kamaji:v0.3.1
- Upgrading support to Kubernetes v1.27.3 #317 @prometherion
- Removing unrequired KubeadmConfig keys #155 @prometherion
- Meaningless error message upon TenantControlPlane migration #313 @prometherion
- Missing metadata upon container images release #190 @prometherion
- kubeconfig CA data is not updated upon CA rotation #315 @prometherion
- Konnectivity doesn't work with NodePort #322 @jds9090 @prometherion
- Versioned Kubelet for k8s < v1.24 #320 @jds9090 @prometherion
- The TCP name must satisfy the DNS RFC-1035 #326 @prometherion
- Cannot create PostgreSQL database when the TCP name contains a dash #328 @prometherion