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iluise edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 1 revision


  • num_accs_per_task = int( 4 / int( os.environ.get('SLURM_TASKS_PER_NODE', '1')[0] )) = number of GPUs / accelerators per task
  • device = init_torch( num_accs_per_task) = CUDA devices
  • with_ddp = True = activate/deactivate the use of torch ddp
  • par_rank = ranking parameter ; taken from setup_ddp
  • par_size = size parameter ; taken from setup_ddp parameter
  • back_passes_per_step = 4 = number of back passes per step

General settings

  • comment = '' = additional label
  • file_format = 'grib' = format of the input files. supported: grib, netcdf, bin
  • data_dir = str(config.path_data) = input data directory. Defined in atmorep/config/
  • level_type = 'ml' = pressure levels or model levels (support for pl levels works only if the data are stored with same structure as for ml levels)


format: list of fields where for each field the list is

[ name , 
 [ dynamic or static field { 1, 0 }, embedding dimension , device id ],
 [ vertical levels ],
 [ num_tokens],
 [ token size],
 [ total masking rate, rate masking, rate noising, rate for multi-res distortion]
  • name = name of the field (as in the data)
  • dynamic or static field = 1: dynamic field, 0: static field (e.g. orography)
  • embedding dimension = dimension for the sin/cos embedding e.g. 1024, 512 etc..
  • device id = cuda device ID
  • vertical levels = list of vertical levels, e.g. 123, 105 etc..
  • num_tokens = number of tokens in [time, lat, lon] loaded by the model to form the hypercube. It constitutes the total size of source (aka the data loaded before masking)
  • token_size = size of each token in [time, lat, lon] given in time steps (time) x grid points (lat) x grid points (lon). e.g. [3, 9, 9] = each token is constituted by 3h in time, 9 grid points in latitude and 3 grid points in longitude
  • total masking rate = total fraction of source that will be masked
  • rate masking = fraction of tokens completely masked substituting the entire token with 0.
  • rate noising = fraction of tokens masked by substituting it with random noise
  • rate for multi-res distortion = fraction of tokens masked with multi-resolution distortion
   cf.fields = [ [ 'velocity_u', [ 1, 1024, [ ], 0], 
                                 [ 114, 123, 137 ], 
                                 [12, 6, 12], [3, 9, 9], [0.5, 0.9, 0.1, 0.05] ],
                 [ 'velocity_v', [ 1, 1024, [ ], 0 ], 
                                 [ 114, 123, 137 ], 
                                 [ 12, 6, 12], [3, 9, 9], [0.25, 0.9, 0.1, 0.05] ], #]
                 [ 'total_precip', [ 1, 1536, [ ], 3 ],
                                   [ 0 ], 
                                   [12, 6, 12], [3, 9, 9], [0.25, 0.9, 0.2, 0.05] ] ]                

   cf.fields_prediction = [ [cf.fields[0][0], 0.5],  [cf.fields[1][0], 0.5] ]
  • fields = loaded fields
  • fields_prediction = predicted fields
  • fields_targets = [] = fields with alternative datasets used for pre-training (not checked yet in this version. it might no work out of the box)
  • years_train = list( range( 1980, 2018)) = years used to train the model
  • years_test = [2021] = years used to test the model
  • month = None = in case you want to use a specific month e.g. June due to storage constraints on your device
  • geo_range_sampling = [[ -90., 90.], [ 0., 360.]] = coverage in latitude x longitude coordinates, assuming a lat-on linear projection of the data
  • time_sampling = 1 = sampling rate for time steps

file and data parameters

  • data_smoothing = 0 = smoothing parameters. in case you want to smooth your data for testing purposes
  • file_shape = (-1, 721, 1440) = TODO: get rid of this parameter. it contains the lat-lon resolution of the data.
  • num_t_samples = 31*24 = Number of samples loaded in time
  • num_files_train = 5 = number of files loaded for training
  • num_files_test = 2 = number of files loaded for testing
  • num_patches_per_t_train = 8 = number of patches per time step in training. It controls the length of an epoch.
  • num_patches_per_t_test = 4 = number of patches per time step in testing

training params

  • torch_seed = torch.initial_seed() = seed for random masking
  • batch_size_test = 64 = batch size used for testing
  • batch_size_start = 16 = batch size used at the beginning of the training
  • batch_size_max = 32 = max batch size
  • batch_size_delta = 8 = step to increase the batch size in training
  • num_epochs = 128 = number of epochs
  • num_loader_workers = 8 = number of workers (memory consuming because to creates a full copy of your data. reduce in case you run out of memory)

additional infos

  • size_token_info = 8 = internal parameter, do not change it.
  • size_token_info_net = 16 = dimension of the tail networks
  • grad_checkpointing = True = use checkpoints of the gradients
  • with_cls = False = Bool - run with or without cls

network config

  • with_layernorm = True = Do layer normalization
  • coupling_num_heads_per_field = 1 = number of coupled heads per field
  • dropout_rate = 0.05 = Dropout rate
  • learnable_mask = False = use learnable masking
  • with_qk_lnorm = True do queues and keys layer normalization


  • encoder_num_layers = 10 = number of layers in the encoder
  • encoder_num_heads = 16 = number of heads in the encoder
  • encoder_num_mlp_layers = 2 = number of map layers in the encoder
  • encoder_att_type = 'dense' = attention type for the encoder


  • decoder_num_layers = 10 = number of layers in the decoder
  • decoder_num_heads = 16 = number of heads in the decoder
  • decoder_num_mlp_layers = 2 = number of map layers in the decoder
  • decoder_self_att = False = do self attention in the decoder
  • decoder_cross_att_ratio = 0.5 = cross attention ratio in the decoder
  • decoder_cross_att_rate = 1.0 = cross attention rate in the decoder
  • decoder_att_type = 'dense' = attention type for the decoder

tail networks

  • net_tail_num_nets = 16 = number of tail networks (aka number of ensemble members)
  • net_tail_num_layers = 0 = number of layers in the tail netwokrs
  • losses = ['mse_ensemble', 'stats'] = list with combination of losses (total: sum of each term). see Trainer for supported losses
  • optimizer_zero = False = AdamW (False) or ZeroRedundancyOptimizer (True)
  • lr_start = 5. * 10e-7 = initial learning rate
  • lr_max = 0.00005 = maximum learning rate
  • lr_min = 0.00004 = minimum learning rate
  • weight_decay = 0.05 = weight decay parameter
  • lr_decay_rate = 1.025 = decay rate of the learning rate
  • lr_start_epochs = 3 = first epoch to change the learning rate
  • lat_sampling_weighted = True = apply weighted latitude sampling to sample less at the poles than at the equator (reduce pole distortions)


  • BERT_strategy = 'BERT' = Training strategy (see Trainer for details). strategies: BERT, forecast, temporal_interpolation, identity

  • BERT_fields_synced = False = apply synchronized / identical masking to all fields (fields need to have same BERT params for this to have effect)

  • BERT_mr_max = 2 = maximum reduction rate for resolution

  • log_test_num_ranks = 0 = threshold for logging. logging only if cf.par_rank < cf.log_test_num_ranks

  • save_grads = False = save the gradients

  • profile = False =. do profiling (TODO: check if still works)

  • test_initial = True = compute test loss before training (sanity check)

  • attention = False = store the attention maps in a file XXXX_attention.zarr

  • rng_seed = None = random seed initialisation

  • with_wandb = True = use weights and biases as logger (highly recommended). Usually use %>wandb offline to switch to disable syncing with server

  • with_mixed_precision = True = use mixed precision

  • n_size = [36, 0.25*9*6, 0.25*9*12] = (new!) control source size: [time steps, latitude steps, longitude steps]. redundant wrt num_tokez and tokens_size above.

  • num_samples_per_epoch = 1024 = (new!) number of samples per epoch

  • num_samples_validate = 128 = (new!) number of samples used in the validate step