Minimal example of CaPC without a private inference.
Run server first:
Then client:
Install the crypto packages.
python -install -tool -ot -sh2pc
Then, make the cpp code:
cd mpc
cmake .
Make sure libtmux is installed.
Train a cryptonets-relu.pb model and store it in ~/models/cryptonets-relu.pb
To run the protocol, follow method 1 (recommended), method 2 or method 3 as described below.
One way to use the terminal is to use PyCharm and opening a SSH terminal there.
To do so, first create a configuration for a remote interpreter based on your
machine IP address and account. Then go to Tools>Start SSH Session
to select the
host. The remote terminal will then automatically open.
To run the pipeline, run tmux new -s capc
to open a new tmux session. Create 4
panes by first doing Ctrl+b followed by " to create two horizontally split panes and then Ctrl+b
followed by % to create the second and third panes, then do Ctrl+b and up-arrow,
followed by Ctrl+b and % to create panes 0 and 3. The orientation of the panes will now be:
You can see the pane numbers by doing Ctrl+b and pressing q.
To switch between panes, use Ctrl+b and then the relevant arrow key corresponding to the direction of the pane to switch to. For example to switch from pane 1 to pane 2, use Ctrl+b followed by the right arrow key. To scroll up through the output of a pane, use Ctrl+b followed by the left square bracket. To type in the terminal again, press 'q'.
Do Ctrl+b q
to show number of panes. In pane 2, run python
to initialize the log files.
Go to pane 0 and let it show logs from
, run tail -f logs/client_log.txt
while pane 1 shows logs from the
, run in pane 1: tail -f logs/server_log.txt
Pane 2 shows logs from the whole execution in
the Privacy Guardian shows logs in pane 3, run in pane 3: tail -f logs/privacy_guardian_log.txt
Finally, go to pane 2, replace X
in the code below with the number of answering parties. Not including n_parties will
lead to 1 party by default and run the main script:
python --n_parties X
Server and client complete Step 1 of the protocol including secure 2 party communication.
By default, the query will be the first item from the mnist test set. To change this,
add the parameter --start_batch Y
when running the experiment where Y is the index of
the test set to use.
After Step 1, we run which consists of steps 2 and 3 of the protocol. Here the PG will sum the s vectors and add Gaussian noise for DP (Step 2) and the PG and querying party will then run Yao's garbled circuit to obtain the final label (Step 3) which will also be outputted in Pane 1.
Use a remote terminal to connect to the lab machine. Go tocd ~/code/capc-demo
and activate the environment and HE-transformer library by running source
. Next run
python --n_parties X
Replace X with the number of answering parties. Not including n_parties will lead to 1 party by
default. By default, the query used will be the first item from the mnist test set. To change this, add
the parameter --start_batch Y
when running the script where Y is the index of the test set to use.
The program will automatically run the files
to complete step 1 of the CaPC protocol. After this it calls the privacy guardian
through the file
to complete steps 2 and 3 of the protocol.
Using SSH, log in to the lab machine and go to the directory ~/code/demo/capc. Run the activate script to activate the Python environment and the HE transformer library. Then start a jupyter notebook session with the command
On nic2: (venv-tf-py3) dockuser@nic2:~/code/demo/capc$ jupyter notebook
--no-browser --port=8080
Now create two ssh tunnels with the following commands to access the jupyter notebook from your local pc.
a) ssh -f -N -L;
b) ssh -f -N -L 8080:localhost:8080 dockuser@ -p 3320
Use localhost:8080
to open the Jupyter server on your local browser. Enter the
token provided when the notebook session was initially set up.
To run the experiment, open the notebook run_experiment.ipynb and start by setting the number of parties at the start of the notebook and the index of the mnist test set to use as the query item.
Run the cells to start the protocol. After the initial imports and setup required,
one cell will run step 1 by calling
and the next will then run steps 2 and 3
by calling
. The final predicted label as well as the actual label will be outputted by the last cell
of the notebook.
The output files produced by the program will be saved in the folder "files" and the logs will be saved in the folder "logs" with the appropriate timestamp.