The SAS macro %str2() displays the structure of a SAS dataset (in the SAS log).
The macro is similar to R function utils:::str(object) that compactly displays the structure of an R object.
All variables in the SAS dataset will be parsed regarding type, real length and display format (including no. of decimal places)
%include "";
NOTE: the %gather2()
macro will be invoked within the macro %str2()
and must be available.
'dataframe': 180 obs. of 24 variables:
: SAS Format: $7. (real length: 6)
: Label: "Study Identifier"
$ USUBJID : chr ALEA01-01-001 ALEA01-01-002 ALEA01-01-003 ALEA01-01-004 ALEA01...
: SAS Format: $14. (real length: 13)
: Label: "Unique Subject Identifier"
$ SUBJID : chr 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 01...
: SAS Format: $3. (real length: 3)
: Label: "Subject Identifier for the Study"
$ SITEID : chr 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02...
: SAS Format: $2. (real length: 2)
: Label: "Study Site Identifier"
$ AGE : int 35 85 63 46 42 79 49 51 37 55 44 88 60 60 48 74 37 28 49 67 59...
: SAS Format: 8. ("integer:", length: 2)
: Label: "Age"
: SAS Format: $5. (real length: 5)
: Label: "Age Units"
$ AGEGR1 : chr <65 >=65 <65 <65 <65 >=65 <65 <65 <65 <65 <65 >=65 <65 <65 <65...
: SAS Format: $4. (real length: 4)
: Label: "Pooled Age Group 1"
$ AGEGR1N : int 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...
: SAS Format: 8. ("integer:", length: 1)
: Label: "Pooled Age Group 1 (N)"
$ SEX : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female", "Male" 2 1 2 NA 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1...
: SAS Format: $SEX.
: Label: "Sex"
$ SEXN : Factor w/ 2 levels "Female", "Male" 2 1 2 NA 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1...
: SAS Format: SEXN.
: Label: "Sex (N)"
$ RACE : Factor w/ 4 levels "White", "Black or African... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...
: SAS Format: $RACE.
: Label: "Race"
$ RACEN : Factor w/ 4 levels "White", "Black or African... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1...
: SAS Format: RACEN.
: Label: "Race (N)"
$ WEIGHTBL: num 50.8 63.9 63.4 83.5 116.3 58.3 87.2 54.1 66.3 54.8 74.3 77.8 5...
: SAS Format: BEST12. ("float:", display format: 5.1)
: Label: "Weight at Baseline (kg)"
$ L10WTBL : num 1.705864 1.805501 1.802089 1.921686 2.06558 1.765669 1.940516...
: SAS Format: BEST8. ("float:", display format: 8.6)
: Label: "Log10(Weight (kg))"
$ HEIGHT : int 166 166 172 173 184 162 170 160 177 172 169 175 159 172 159 17...
: SAS Format: 8. ("integer:", length: 3)
: Label: "Height (cm)"
$ BMI : num 18.435186529 23.189142111 21.430502975 27.899361823 34.3513705...
: SAS Format: BEST12. ("float:", display format: 12.9)
: Label: "Body Mass Index (kg/m2)"
There are following features:
Numeric variables will be parsed to identify the "real" data type, i.e. integer or float. The display format will be identified, incl. no. of decimal places - in addition to the assigned numeric SAS format.
Character variables: the "real" length based on the actual values will be identified (NOTE: also leading blanks will be counted).
The number of missing/blank values will be identified
Data definition tables (with format decodes) will be generated
NOTE: character variables will not be converted to factors, equivalent to R option stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- Character variables in database may not be longer than <= 400 characters (performance issue; can be changed, see below)
- Some variables/formats will not be parsed regarding number of decimal places (e.g., DOLLAR., COMMA., COMMAX., NUMX., PERCENT.)
- Number of decimal places: also zeros at the end of a number will be counted (e.g., the value 1.00 will be identified as a float number with 2 decimal places)
- Format code, format level and decode will be truncated after 4.000 characters ($4000.); can be adjusted (performance issue)
- Does not work correct in case of truncated formats, e.g., when $SEX. "F"=Female" is formatted as $SEX4. and the values will be truncated to "Fema" (4 characters)
- SAS version 9.4 above required to execute
- Input dataset must not contain variables: _ColFormat _ColTyp _ColTypVar _UserDef _IsRealNum _SASFormat _IsMissing
- Low performance: the whole dataset will be transposed from wide to long and all variable values will be parsed
NOTE: If there are character variables in the SAS dataset with a length > 400 char. then change twice within the Macro:
%include "";
%str2(DbIn, DDTOUT=Y); * with output of data definition table in SAS output window;
DbIn: Input dataset
DDTOUT: If Y: Output of a Data Definition Table in the SAS output window:
With "real" data type, i.e. 'integer' or 'float', number of decimal places,
"real" length of character variables, no. of missing values, format decodes
A gather Macro with following features:
The SAS macro %gather2() transposes a dataset from fat to skinny (normalization) or from a wide to a long dataset.
The macro is similar to R function tidyr:::gather().
The macro identifies the "real" SAS format, generates a flag for missing values (removes "."), generates a flag for numeric formats (BEST. or w.d.) and outputs variable labels.
%gather2(DbIn, Key, Value, Exclude, DbOut, ValFormat=, WithFormats=N, WithLabels=N, SASFormats=N);
NOTE: Option WithFormats executes the SAS function fmtinfo() that requires SAS version 9.4 above!
DbIn: Input dataset
Key: Name of key variable in output (should not be a column name!)
Value: Name of variable with values in output (should not be a column name!)
NOTE: character variables: leading blanks will not be removed!
NOTE: Missing "." will be removed (set to blank)
Exclude: Is the -exclude variable (ID variable) - must be a column name
(or more column names/primary keys, or empty)
DbOut: Output dataset
ValFormat: if Y, Character format of variable with values (default character $200.)
not possibe for (numeric) dates (dates as character only)
Numeric Format, e.g. 8. only possible if all values in dataset are numeric;
WithFormats: if Y, Output of the associated SAS Formats (e.g. char, num, time, date, datetime) in
Variables: _ColFormat, _ColFor2, _ColTyp, _ColTypVar (N, C)
Please Note: SAS function fmtinfo() requires SAS 9.4 above!
WithLabels: if Y, Output of the Variable Labels
Variable _ColLab
(additional feature)
SASFormats: if Y, Output of (real) SAS Formats, Identification of missing Values
Variables: _UserDef, _IsRealNum (i.e. BEST. or w.d Format), _SASFormat, _IsMissing
- Input dataset must not contain Variables: _ColFormat _ColTyp _ColTypVar _UserDef _IsRealNum _SASFormat _IsMissing
- Does not identify "special" missing values (e.g. .Z) as missing
- SAS v. 9.4 above required
%gather2(VS_WIDE, VSTESTCD, VSORRES, SUBJID VISITNUM, VS_LONG, ValFormat=$10., WithLabels=Y, SASFormats=Y);