Yet another Form Library to add to the list. Inspired by Formik.
For Reagent & Re-frame
Forms are hard. Orchestrating their ever changing state, complex logic, and rich UI elements is quite a challenging task.
Fork tries to establish a pattern by abstracting away the bits of code that can be generalized to shift the developer's focus on the features implementation. The following points represent the pillars Fork was built upon:
- Control - You code your form components
- Adaptable - Plug it in and take only what you need
- Separation of concerns - Logic and UI live in different places
- CSS Free - You manage the style
It's worth to point out that from v2.0.0 this library doesn't necessarily require re-frame. In fact, you can use it exclusively with Reagent.
As at this state you must be dying of curiosity, I will dive right into the implementation details, hoping that this will help you save the day... and some nerves.
fork {:mvn/version "2.0.0"}
fork {:git/url ""
:sha "sha commit"}
(ns your.namespace
;; depending on what you want to use
[ :as fork]
[fork.reagent :as fork-reagent]))
Note that the APIs of
and fork.reagent
are identical, so I will be using only the former in the following examples.
(defn my-form
[{:keys [values handle-change handle-blur]}]
[:p "Read back: " (values "input")]
{:name "input"
:value (values "input")
:on-change handle-change
:on-blur handle-blur}]])
(defn foo []
[fork/form {:initial-values
{"input" "hello"}}
Notice that Fork takes only two parameters. The first one is a map of config, and the second one is a function that returns your form component. Many API helpers are accessible as first argument of the form function that wraps your form component.
Starting from the config map, :initial-values
might be provided to make Fork aware of any of your prefilled form values. Make sure to match the :name
of your inputs with what you define in the :initial-values
map to successfully link up the two. Do not use keywords for input names, as they are automatically cast to strings, giving you weird values like ":input"
. If you don't need to set default values for your fields, you can discard this key.
You can also return your component in an anonymous function, but you have to be careful not to cause unwanted re-renderings by updating any external state. The following code is an example of what you want to avoid, when using an anonymous function:
;;!!!!! BAD CODE !!!!!
(defn foo []
(let [external-input (r/atom nil)]
(fn []
{:value @external-input
:on-change #(reset! external-input
(-> % .-target .-value))}]
[fork/form {}
(fn [{:keys [values
handle-blur] :as props}]
{:id form-id}
{:name "name"
:value (values "name")
:on-change #(do (reset! external-input "some-value")
(handle-change %))
:on-blur handle-blur}]])]])))
;;!!!!! BAD CODE !!!!!
Briefly, the "name"
input will lose focus every time its :on-change
event is dispatched. This happens because the handler creates a new value for the external-input
state, which sparks the re-rendering of the whole foo
As a solution, you might keep the anonymous function in place as long as you remember to use the foo
component exclusively for the logic related to fork/form
(ns your.namespace
[ :as fork]
[re-frame.core :as rf]))
(fn [{db :db} [_ {:keys [values dirty path]}]]
;; dirty tells you whether the values have been touched before submitting.
;; Its possible values are nil or a map of changed values
{:db (fork/set-submitting db path true)
:dispatch-later [{:ms 1000
:disptach [:resolved-form path values]}]}))
(fn [{db :db} [_ path values]]
(js/alert values)
{:db (fork/set-submitting db path false)}))
(defn foo []
[fork/form {:path :form
:form-id "form-id"
:prevent-default? true
:clean-on-unmount? true
:on-submit #(rf/dispatch [:submit-handler %])}
(fn [{:keys [values
{:id form-id
:on-submit handle-submit}
{:name "input"
:value (values "input")
:on-change handle-change
:on-blur handle-blur}]
{:type "submit"
:disabled submitting?}
"Submit Form"]])])
Let's examine what has been added step by step:
- Require Re-frame in your namespace
- Create a Re-frame effect that will be called upon submitting
- Pass the newly created effect to Fork along with
and other options - Destructure
to be used in your UI - Wrap your inputs in a form tag and add a submit button
If some parts look a bit obscure, the will be explained thoroughly in the following paragraphs.
makes fork aware of your form elements. If it is not specified, a random id will be generated and will be provided through the same :form-id
lets you choose where to store your form global events i.e. server related stuff. MANDATORY!
does not automatically send your form to the server on submit.
resets the state when your component is unmounted. (Useful when used with re-frame).
to pass a validation function that gives you the form values im a map as single param.
to pre-populate the inputs.
to pre-populate the inputs and set them as touched.
lets you write your own submit logic. It gives you a map with :state :path :values :dirty
returns a string message coming from the server response body.
to perform any logic after the component is mounted. It takes a function and provides one argument that consists of a map of handlers: set-touched, set-untouched, set-values, disable, enable, disabled?, handle-change, handle-blur, send-server-request
After clicking the submit button, your :on-submit
function is invoked. Remember to set submitting? to true
with the handler fork/set-submitting
. After your eventual ajax call, do not forget to set the submitting? value back to false with the same handler to handle the form life cycle.
You probably want to know more than the same old Hello World demonstration. Hence, I have prepared a better example that includes a server request and shows better what Fork can do for you.
(ns your.namespace
[ajax.core :as ajax]
[ :as fork]
[re-frame.core :as rf]))
(fn [{db :db} [_ result path]]
{:db (-> db
(assoc :result result)
(fork/set-submitting path false)
(fork/set-server-message path "Registration successful!"))}))
(fn [{db :db} [_ result path]]
{:db (-> db
(fork/set-submitting path false)
(fork/set-server-message path "Registration failed!"))}))
(fn [{db :db} [_ {:keys [values path]}]]
{:db (fork/set-submitting db path true)
{:method :post
:uri "/submit-form"
:params values
:timeout 2000
:format (ajax/transit-request-format)
:response-format (ajax/transit-response-format)
:on-success [:success path]
:on-failure [:failure path]}}))
(defn foo []
[fork/form {:form-id "id"
:path :form
:prevent-default? true
:clean-on-unmount? true
:on-submit #(rf/dispatch [:submit-handler %])}
(fn [{:keys [values
{:id form-id
:on-submit handle-submit}
{:name "input"
:value (values "input")
:on-change handle-change
:on-blur handle-blur}]
{:type "submit"
:disabled submitting?}
"Submit Form"]
[:p on-submit-server-message]])])
Simply plug in any library of your choice that is side effect free, or build your custom validation.
All you have to do is to pass a function that takes values
as only parameter. The returned data will be accessible via the key errors
, which can be destructured from the props.
Let's now build some real validation for our Fork component using for example the Vlad library:
(def validation
(vlad/join (vlad/attr ["name"]
(vlad/length-in 3 15)))
(vlad/attr ["password"]
(vlad/length-over 7)))))
Let's integrate the validation with our Fork component to actually display the errors:
[fork/form {:path :form
:form-id "id"
:validation #(vlad/field-errors validation %)
:prevent-default? true
:clean-on-unmount? true
:on-submit #(rf/dispatch [:submit-handler %])}
(fn [{:keys [values
{:id form-id
:on-submit handle-submit}
{:name "name"
:value (values "name")
:on-change handle-change
:on-blur handle-blur}]
(when (touched "name")
[:div (first (get errors (list "name")))])
{:name "password"
:value (values "password")
:on-change handle-change
:on-blur handle-blur}]
(when (touched "password")
[:div (first (get errors (list "password")))])
{:type "submit"
:disabled submitting?}
"Submit Form"]])]
Noticed anything new? We are simply passing the vlad validation function along with a :validation
key and destructuring :touched
. The latter comes in handy to improve the user experience in that the errors are not shown until the first :on-blur
event is fired.
When a validation function is provided, the submit button will do nothing until all errors are cleared. The only variable that does change is :submit-count
, which is incremented every time the submission is attempted.
To perform password
and confirm-password
validation I recommend using the helper vlad/equals-value
, as this really simplifies your logic. Briefly, you can define your validation like the following snippet:
(def form-validation
(fn [password]
(vlad/attr ["password"]
(vlad/chain (vlad/present)
(vlad/join (vlad/length-in 6 128))))
(vlad/attr ["confirm-password"]
{:message "Confirm Password must be same as password"}))))))
and pass the password value when giving the function to Fork i.e.
[fork/form {:validation
;; passing password to the function
(form-validation (get % "password"))
Since version 1.1.0
, the handler send-server-request
provides a way of performing server side validation :on-blur
or :on-change
, or any other operation that involves your backend code. Here is an example of how it works:
(fn [_ [_ props]]
;; faking a server request
{:dispatch-later [{:ms 2000 :dispatch [:response props]}]}))
(fn [{db :db} [_ {:keys [values path]}]]
;; so that the form can be submitted
{:db (fork/set-waiting db path "email" false)}))
(defn foo []
[fork/form {:path :form
:prevent-default? true
:on-submit #(js/alert %)}
(fn [{:keys [form-id
{:id form-id
:on-submit handle-submit}
{:name "email"
:value (values "email")
:on-blur handle-blur
:on-change (fn [evt]
(handle-change evt)
(send-server-request evt
#(rf/dispatch [:server-request %])
;; optional
{:debounce 500}))}]
{:type "submit"}
After destructuring :send-server-request
, this function is invoked within the :on-change
handler. It takes either two or three parameters being:
An event - Required
A function that performs the server request, taking the up to date values as argument - Required
An optional map -
are both supported fromv1.2.4
To prevent the form submission while waiting for a server response, a :waiting? true
key value pair is stored in the state and needs to be set to false after the server logic is resolved. You can do this yourself or use (fork/set-waiting db path "email" false)
, as shown above. Now, the form can be submitted.
You bet it does. The keys you can currently access from your form function are:
[db ;; <- only re-frame
Here is a demonstration on how to use the above handlers that have not been mentioned so far:
;; db is simply the dereferenced re-frame state that fork uses for global logic
;; state is the local ratom used for the full form core logic
(swap! state assoc :something :new)
;; to remove full state
;; to reset state to given map
(reset {:values {"name" "John"}
:touched #{"name"}})
(set-touched "input" "another-input")
(set-untouched "input" "another-input")
(set-values {"input" "new-value"})
(set-values {"input" "new-value"
"another-input" "new-value-too"})
(disable "input")
(disable "input" "another-input")
(enable "input")
(enable "input" "another-input")
;; input component
:disabled (disabled? "input")
For what concerns the :props
key, you can use it as a way of passing arguments to the form component. Here is a quick example:
(defn my-form
[{:keys [props ...]}]
;; props accessible in here!
(defn foo []
[fork/form {:props {:arg1 "foo" :arg2 "bar"}
Certainly not, Fork gives you some pre-built inputs, yet you are condemning yourself to the Bulma CSS framework if you ever choose to go down that route. Creating your own wrappers would work much better, allowing you to retain full control on the style. Having said that, these are the few components that ship with Fork.
The quickest way to get Bulma is to require the CSS in the header of your index.html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
(ns your.namespace
[fork.bulma :as bulma]))
[bulma/input props
{:name "input"
:label "First Name"
:placeholder "Joe"
:type "text"
:class "your-css-class"}]
To get all the props from your form function in one shot, you can add :as props just like this: {:keys [values ..] :as props}
[bulma/textarea props
{:name "area"
:label "Summary"
:placeholder "Max 400 words"
:type "text"
:class "your-css-class"}]
[bulma/checkbox props
{:name "agree"
:text "Plain text or component as well"}]
If you pass a component to :text
such as [:div "Some text"]
, add the display: inline;
style to the element.
[bulma/pretty-dropdown props
{:label "Optional Label"
:name "pretty-dropdown"
:options [{"key-1" 1}
{"key-2" 2}
{"key-3" 3}]
:class "Optional Css Class"}]
[bulma/dropdown props
{:label "Optional Label"
:name "pretty-dropdown"
:options [{"key-1" 1}
{"key-2" 2}
{"key-3" 3}]
:class "Optional Css Class"}]
Yes you can. This documentation should get you started with Fork the right way so that you can be productive with it. Ideas, comments (good or bad), and suggestions are always welcome!