Releases: cloud-barista/cm-mayfly
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider v0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug v0.10.3
- cb-mapui v0.10.0
- cm-damselfly v0.3.0
- cm-honeybee v0.3.0
- cm-beetle v0.3.0
- cm-grasshopper v:0.3.0
- cm-cicada v0.3.0
- cm-ant v0.3.0
- cm-butterfly v0.3.0
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Pre-Install : Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./mayfly infra run -d
$ ./mayfly infra info
To register CSP credentials and common resources with mayfly, follow the two procedures below.
Alternatively, use the init script of cb-tumblebug.
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'setup sub-command guide' document.
$ ./mayfly setup credential
$ ./mayfly api -s cb-tumblebug -a loadassets
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.3
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.5
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.4
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.4
- cm-honeybee:0.2.11
- cm-damselfly:0.2.2
- cm-cicada:0.2.4
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.8
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Pre-Install : Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./mayfly infra run -d
$ ./mayfly infra info
To register CSP credentials and common resources with mayfly, follow the two procedures below.
Alternatively, use the init script of cb-tumblebug.
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'setup sub-command guide' document.
$ ./mayfly setup credential
$ ./mayfly api -s cb-tumblebug -a loadassets
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
- Add CSP Credential Registration Feature by @MZC-CSC in #49
- Add instructions for registering CSP credentials to the by @MZC-CSC in #50
- Applied cm-honeybee:0.2.11 / cm-butterfly-api:0.2.4 docker image version by @MZC-CSC in #51
- cm-ant:0.2.8 & added setup sub-command documentation by @MZC-CSC in #52
Full Changelog: v0.2.8...v0.2.9
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.3
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.5
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.3
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.3
- cm-honeybee:0.2.10
- cm-damselfly:0.2.2
- cm-cicada:0.2.4
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.7
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Pre-Install : Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./mayfly infra run -d
$ ./mayfly infra info
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.2.7...v0.2.8
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.3
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.5
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.3
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.3
- cm-honeybee:0.2.10
- cm-damselfly:0.2.1
- cm-cicada:0.2.4
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.7
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Pre-Install : Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./cm-mayfly infra run -d
$ ./cm-mayfly infra info
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.2.6...v0.2.7
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.3
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.5
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.3
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.3
- cm-honeybee:0.2.10
- cm-damselfly:0.2.1
- cm-cicada:0.2.4
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.7
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Pre-Install : Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./cm-mayfly infra run -d
$ ./cm-mayfly infra info
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.3
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.5
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.3
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.3
- cm-honeybee:0.2.10
- cm-damselfly:0.2.1
- cm-cicada:edge
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.7
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./cm-mayfly infra run -d
$ ./cm-mayfly infra info
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
- Fixed CLI help output bug
- Added MySQL Ping command
- Improved infrastructure setup logic
- Added Docker environment cleanup shell script
- Enhanced user guide
- Applied cm-beetle:0.2.5 Docker image
- Applied cb-tumblebug:0.10.3 Docker image
Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.2.5
Integrated or tested with
- cb-spider:0.10.0
- cb-tumblebug:0.10.1
- cb-mapui:0.10.0
- cm-beetle:0.2.4
- cm-butterfly-api:0.2.3
- cm-butterfly-front:0.2.3
- cm-honeybee:0.2.10
- cm-damselfly:0.2.1
- cm-cicada:edge
- cm-grasshopper:0.2.3
- cm-ant:0.2.7
How to run and use the CM-Mayfly
Simplified Command Execution Guide of Just 4 Steps
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly
$ ./cm-mayfly infra run -d
$ ./cm-mayfly infra info
For more detailed information, please refer to the 'How to Build a Cloud-Migrator Infrastructure' document.
Additionally, for detailed information on each subcommand, please refer to the links below.
What's Changed
- Reflect OS exit code and Add logs command by @MZC-CSC in #41
- Changing Docker image versions for some subsystems by @MZC-CSC in #42
- Update with the latest version information for release by @MZC-CSC in #44
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4
Important Changed
Going forward, infrastructure-related functionalities will be supported under the infra
command, and infrastructures such as Docker and K8s will be provided as options for commands like run and stop. As a result, the docker command has been explicitly removed.
The update
command has been added to keep the subsystems up to date with their latest versions.
Subsystems are in Docker version
- cloudbaristaorg/cb-spider:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cb-tumblebug:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cb-mapui:0.9.3
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-beetle:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-butterfly-api:latest
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-butterfly-front:latest
- cm-butterfly-db (postgres:14-alpine)
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-honeybee:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-cicada:edge
- airflow-redis (redis:7.2-alpine)
- airflow-mysql (mysql:8.0-debian)
- cloudbaristaorg/airflow-server:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-grasshopper:edge
- cloudbaristaorg/cm-ant:edge
- ant-postgres (timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg16)
- cloudbaristaorg/mc-data-manager:edge
What's Changed
- Removed docker command and pull command
- Added install command and update command
- Updated and revised documentation for the infra command
- Build binary file based on the latest source
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
Add cm-butterfly and mc-data-manager
- Changing the command and directory structure hierarchically(remove src folder)
- Enhanced docker subcommand
- Update README.MD
- Update guide for api subcommand
- Update guide for docker subcommand
What's Changed
- Changed some docker image settings (docker-compose.yaml) by @MZC-CSC in #27
- docker run command enhancements by @MZC-CSC in #28
- add helm chart for all subsystem (unstable) by @MZC-CSC in #29
- Handling configuration file errors in cm-beetle (issue #30) by @MZC-CSC in #31
- Update the cm-cicada conf folder to the latest information by @MZC-CSC in #32
- apache-airflow security vulnerability patch (issues #33) by @MZC-CSC in #34
- Some structural changes and feature additions by @MZC-CSC in #35
- Add the latest executables by @MZC-CSC in #36
- Add some features and reflecting the latest Docker images by @MZC-CSC in #37
- Tested cm-butterfly by @MZC-CSC in #38
- Fixed mc-data-manager docker compose-related settings and Updated and related documentation by @MZC-CSC in #39
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2
What's Changed
- Completed the first round of docker-compose.yaml modernization for testing by @MZC-CSC in #18
- Resolved healthcheck issue #19 in docker-compose.yaml by @MZC-CSC in #20
- Tested healthcheck logic in docker-compose.yaml file by @MZC-CSC in #23
- Add bearer support to authentication methods for API calls by @MZC-CSC in #26
- Change Beetle env by @yunkon-kim in #25
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1