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A Python project template for CLIs using Poetry as the dependency manager.


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Python Poetry Project Template

Python + Poetry

A Python project template for CLIs using Poetry as the dependency manager.

Poetry | Python

linting: pylint

🎧 Quick Start

Ensure Python, Python Poetry, and Poe the Poet are installed.

Dependency installation is managed via poetry. Once cloned, you can install dependencies from the project root:

poetry install

Once dependencies are installed, you can run the package-name:

poetry run package-name

And boom! You're ready to customize a Python project! 🎉

Configuring Developer Standards

Use git to install commit message, pre-commit, and pre-push commit hooks:

git config --local core.hooksPath .github/hooks/
git config --local commit.template .github/.gitmessage

These will ensure commit messages are consistent, code is correctly formatted and linted, and tests before committing or pushing.

Style decisions are based on the Google Python Style Guide.

🧑🏽‍💻 Running Project Tasks

poe is used as a task runner and its configuration can be found in the tool.poe.tasks* sections of pyproject.toml.

Command Summary Bash Equivalent
poe test Run application test suites that support coverage PYTHONPATH=src poetry run pytest -vv --import-mode=importlib --cov=src/package_name --cov-fail-under=90 --cov=src/package_name --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered tests/unit tests/integration
poe test-all Run all tests (without coverage) PYTHONPATH=src pytest -vv --import-mode=importlib
poe test-e2e Run e2e tests only PYTHONPATH=src poetry run pytest -vv --import-mode=importlib tests/e2e
poe test-integration Run integration tests only (with coverage) PYTHONPATH=src poetry run pytest -vv --import-mode=importlib --cov=src/package_name --cov-fail-under=90 --cov=src/package_name --cov-branch --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered tests/integration
poe test-unit Run unit tests only (without coverage) PYTHONPATH=src poetry run pytest -vv --import-mode=importlib tests/unit
poe check Run all formatting and linting tools against codebase poetry run black --check --line-length 100 . && npx --yes prettier@3.0.3 . --no-config --check && poetry run pylint src tests
poe format Run all formatting tools against codebase poetry run black --check --line-length 100 . && npx --yes prettier@3.0.3 . --no-config --check
poe format-black Run black against Python source code poetry run black --check --line-length 100 .
poe format-prettier Run prettier against non-Python code npx --yes prettier@3.0.3 . --no-config --check
poe lint Run all linting tools against codebase poetry run pylint src tests
poe lint-pylint Lint Python source code and tests with pylint poetry run pylint src tests

🧪 Testing Configuration

pytest is used as a test runner and its configuration can be found in the tool.pytest.ini_options section of pyproject.toml. pytest-cov is used as a coverage reporter.

Running pytest with no arguments will:

  • Automatically add src to the PYTHONPATH (pythonpath: src)
  • Increase verbosity (-vv)
  • Override pytest's historical default import mode to importlib which is recommended for new projects (--import-mode=importlib)
  • Run all available test items in ./tests/

Tests are grouped into suites using different path names:

├── ci/
│   └── ...
├── e2e/
│   └── ...
├── integration/
│   └── ...
└── unit/
    └── ...

🪪 License

This tool is MIT licensed.