Releases: cloud-native-toolkit/ascent-ui
Releases · cloud-native-toolkit/ascent-ui
- Adds gp setup for iascable @NoeSamaille (#146)
- Updates gitpod config to add iascable @NoeSamaille (#145)
- Update gitpod tasks @NoeSamaille (#144)
- Dev with gitpod doc @NoeSamaille (#143)
- Removes conflict in .gitpod.yaml @NoeSamaille (#142)
- Gitpod config @NoeSamaille (#141)
- Adds BFF repo to gitpod ws @NoeSamaille (#140)
- Change deploy to techzone logic @craigcooper11 (#139)
- Better error handling when deploying to techzone @craigcooper11 (#136)
- Add logic to create TechZone reservation @craigcooper11 (#135)
- Fixed mock user in webpack dev @NoeSamaille (#134)
- Update text from Noe and size of image @mjperrins (#131)
- Updated wizard-overview @NoeSamaille (#130)
- Added gitpod config @NoeSamaille (#129)
- Update Overview page of Wizard @mjperrins (#128)
- Landing page @NoeSamaille (#127)
- Landing page @NoeSamaille (#126)
- Fixed landing page text spacing @NoeSamaille (#125)
- Updated landing-page @NoeSamaille (#124)
- Update FS Landing page and Menu, and Profile view to be limited to a … @mjperrins (#123)
- Fixed editor access control @NoeSamaille (#122)
- Add slide out to manually create solution @NoeSamaille (#121)
- Wizard overview page @NoeSamaille (#120)
- Landing page @NoeSamaille (#119)
- Updates landing page button link @NoeSamaille (#118)
- Access Control updates @NoeSamaille (#117)
- Open controls views @NoeSamaille (#115)
- Moves dotnenv-cli to dependencies @seansund (#112)
- Updates build directory permissions in build @seansund (#111)
- Removes NODEOPTIONS arg from Dockerfile @seansund (#109)
- Updates test config @seansund (#108)
- Adds typescript as dev dependency @seansund (#107)
- Build optimization with webpack @seansund (#100)
- Increases heap space for test and build scripts @seansund (#106)
- Splits UI into fs-controls and builder modes @seansund (#105)
- Update naming to align with Client Engineering @mjperrins (#104)
- Update tests @mjperrins (#103)
- Branding @mjperrins (#102)
- Updates based on latest spreadsheet @NoeSamaille (#99)
- Added region for admins @NoeSamaille (#98)
- Fixed bug quotes on BOM loading @NoeSamaille (#97)
- Resized wizard icons @NoeSamaille (#96)
- Udpated sol details view @NoeSamaille (#95)
- Added Azure standard to wizard @NoeSamaille (#92)
- Create solutions @NoeSamaille (#91)
- Updated solutions view with carbon tiles @NoeSamaille (#89)
- Fixed some bug on wizard @NoeSamaille (#88)
- Update icons and start wizard as view page @NoeSamaille (#85)
- Solution Wizard -> full view @NoeSamaille (#83)
- Page views in GA @NoeSamaille (#81)
- Update analytics to use GA v4 @NoeSamaille (#80)
- Analytics @NoeSamaille (#79)
- Analytics @NoeSamaille (#78)
- Analytics @NoeSamaille (#77)
- Added basic analytics @NoeSamaille (#76)
- Fixed test bug @NoeSamaille (#72)
- fixed some bugs on the tool, not all are figured out yet @jordan-conklin (#68)
- fixed spacing of all pages in tool @jordan-conklin (#67)
- Issue14 numrows @jordan-conklin (#64)
- Fixed spelling mistake on delete sol dialog @NoeSamaille (#61)
- Update Wizard for azure @mjperrins (#60)
- Redirect to newly created sol @NoeSamaille (#59)
- Add new BOMS to Wizard , fix minor UX issues @mjperrins (#58)
- Update menu to support create module @mjperrins (#56)
- Udpated test case to reflect landing page changes @NoeSamaille (#55)
- Fix spelling mistakes @mjperrins (#53)
- Menu and landing page update @mjperrins (#52)
- Bugfix wizard sw catalog @NoeSamaille (#51)
- Added appid @NoeSamaille (#50)
- Patch/react base @NoeSamaille (#49)
- Set menu sw above infra @NoeSamaille (#48)
- Landing page banner @NoeSamaille (#47)
- Replaced services view w/ link to module catalog @NoeSamaille (#46)
- Updated discord link @NoeSamaille (#45)
- BOM/Solutions updates #138 @NoeSamaille (#44)
- Updated Menu & Splitted BOMs into sw and infra @NoeSamaille (#43)
- Added Intregration components in solution wizard @NoeSamaille (#42)
- Added dev-tools to IBM quickstart and advanced @NoeSamaille (#41)
- Link to raise issue on SWE repo @NoeSamaille (#40)
- Create solution wizard improvements @NoeSamaille (#39)
- Update BOM naming @NoeSamaille (#38)
- Fixed jest config for lodash-es @NoeSamaille (#37)
- tmp fix jest issue @NoeSamaille (#36)
- Wizard modal @NoeSamaille (#35)
- User API token @NoeSamaille (#34)
- Support copy API token for admins @NoeSamaille (#33)
- Patch/user config @NoeSamaille (#31)
- Removed IBM Cloud branding, addresses #8 @NoeSamaille (#28)
- Solution bug fixes @NoeSamaille (#27)
- Vulnerability fixes @NoeSamaille (#6)
- Solutions BOMs as table @NoeSamaille (#5)
- Patched bug on windows bom.yaml import @NoeSamaille (#4)
- Replaced Terraform with Automation @NoeSamaille (#3)
- Only allow admins to import BOMs @NoeSamaille (#2)
- Enable multi bom.yaml import @NoeSamaille (#1)