This is a repo to automate the build of python3.5 on rumprun. It uses
the cloudkernels rumprun base build in order
to build the python3 package from rumprun-packages.
It compiles and bakes python3 for the spt
and hvt
solo5 tenders.
In order to get the python3 unikernels you can run the following:
docker build -t python3-base .
//wait for the build to finish
docker run --rm -ti -v /build/:/build python3-base /bin/bash -c "cp /tmp/rumprun-packages/python3/python.{spt,hvt} /build"
This first command will build the docker image and the second will copy the python3
baked binaries to the /build
directory of the host machine
Alternatively, you can pull the image directly from the cloudkernel's docker hub using the following command:
docker run --rm -ti -v /build/:/build cloudkernels/python3-base /bin/bash -c "cp /tmp/rumprun-packages/python3/python.{spt,hvt} /build"