A server component used to provide RESTful APIs for querying the prices of virtual machines (such as EC2) of cloud providers.
Run the following commands to pull the latest price data:
go run hack/tools/pull-data/pull-latest-price.go
It is highly recommended to develop server-side components in a local environment. After testing with a demo cluster, the components can be deployed in the pre-production environment.
Run the following commands to create a cluster:
cat > kind-config.yaml <<EOF
# Cluster configuration with three nodes (two workers)
kind: Cluster
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
kind create cluster --name cloudpilot-dev --config kind-config.yaml
Initialize the manifest with the following commands, please set your corresponding keys:
export AWS_GLOBAL_ACCESS_KEY=<aws access key>
export AWS_GLOBAL_SECRET_KEY=<aws secret>
export AWS_CN_ACCESS_KEY=<aws cn access key>
export AWS_CN_SECRET_KEY=<aws cn secret key>
# The format should be like <ak1>:<sk1>,<ak2>:<sk2>
export ALIBABACLOUD_AKSK_POOL=<alibaba cloud access key and secret key pair pool>
source hack/env.sh
After initializing the manifest, deploy the modified components to the cluster:
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=cloudpilot-dev
ko apply -f config-dev
Once the components are deployed, expose the service using:
kubectl port-forward svc/priceserver -n cloudpilot 8080
Visit corresponding API, for example, http://localhost:8080/api/v1/aws/ec2/regions/us-east-2/price
, to test the API.