This is the Clyze client, a command-line application and library that can contact a Clyze server through a RESTful Web API.
The client uses the Web API to list the projects and builds of a server, trigger analysis/packing, manage configurations, and retrieve results.
To build the command-line version of the client, issue the following command:
$ ./gradlew distZip
This builds the project and creates the distribution archive in directory build/distributions
. You can extract this archive to a directory of your choice and run executable bin/clyze-client
(on Linux, macOS) or bin/clyze-client.bat
(on Windows).
We can invoke the client by running commands:
$ INSTALL_DIR>./bin/clyze-client -r [server:port] -c [command]
Some example commands follow, for the full list, run the client without arguments, to see usage instructions.
Authenticates the user. This is usually the first command to run before interacting with the server.
$ INSTALL_DIR>./bin/clyze-client -r [server:port] -c login
Pings the server (validates that a connection is available).
$ INSTALL_DIR>./bin/clyze-client -r [server:port] -c ping
Lists the projects of the server.
$ INSTALL_DIR>./bin/clyze-client -r [server:port] -c list_projects
Instead of generating the distribution archive, we can instruct Gradle to install the client directly in our working directory:
$ ./gradlew installDist
This will create a build/install directory, containing all the client runtime files (similar to generating the archive and extracting its files to the build/install directory).
Then we can switch to this directory and invoke the client from there.
This project can also be built as a library. Run ./gradlew jar
for a JAR output or publish to your mavenLocal() repo via ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal