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Quickly query the AWS IP Ranges

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awsipranges allows you to search, filter, and use public AWS IP address ranges from the command line without writing complicated JSON parsing scripts or commands. This single-purpose CLI tool allows you to quickly answer questions like:

  • Is some IPv4/IPv6 <address> a public AWS IP address?
    • What region is it in?
    • What service(s) does it belong to?
    • What supernets does it belong to?
  • What are the supernets of <some-cidr-block>?
  • What services publish their IP ranges in the ip-ranges.json file?
  • What IP ranges are used by <some-supported-service> in <some-region>?
  • What Local / Wavelength Zones are attached to <some-region>?
  • What are the IP ranges for <some-local-zone>?

You could get answers to some of these ☝️ questions by filtering the JSON file, but awsipranges features make filtering more accessible. awsipranges parses and understands the structure of IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs allowing you to work with IP ranges as they were meant to - as structured data - enabling you to output the results in human and machine friendly formats.

If you find this project useful, please consider giving it a star ⭐ on GitHub. Your support is greatly appreciated!


  • Retrieve & Cache: ip-ranges.json to ${HOME}/.aws/ip-ranges.json; refreshing the cache after 24 hours (by default).
  • Search: IP ranges for an IPv4/IPv6 address or CIDR (any prefix length) to view the AWS IP ranges that contain the provided address or CIDR.
  • Filter: IP ranges by region, service, network border group, and IP version (IPv4/IPv6).
  • Multiple Output Formats: Table, CIDR, and netmask output formats for easy integration with other tools.
  • Save Results to CSV: Save your search and filter results to CSV for programmatic use or analysis in your favorite spreadsheet app.
  • Rust Crate: This CLI tool's core functionality is also available as a library, allowing you to easily add it to your Rust utility or application.


You can build and install awsipranges from source or install pre-built binaries. awsipranges supports:

OS arm64 (AArch64) amd64 (x86_64)
macOS ✅ ⏬ Apple silicon ✅ ⏬ Intel silicon
Linux ✅ GNU (glibc)
✅ Musl (libc)
✅ ⏬ GNU (glibc)
✅ Musl (libc)
Windows 10+ ✅ ⏬ MSVC

✅ = Supported ⏬ = Pre-built binaries available

Following Rust Platform Support for supported targets and OS and library version dependencies.

Pre-Built Binaries

You can download and install pre-built binaries from the releases page or use the following installation scripts, which select and install the correct binary for your platform.


brew install cmlccie/tap/awsipranges

Shell Script

See the releases page for the latest {{version}}.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf{{version}}/ | sh

PowerShell Script

See the releases page for the latest {{version}}.

powershell -c "irm{{version}}/awsipranges-installer.ps1 | iex"

Build from source

To build and install awsipranges from source, you will need the Rust toolchain installed on your system. Then, you can use cargo install to download and build your desired version.

Install published releases of awsipranges from

cargo install awsipranges


Install the latest, potentially unreleased, awsipranges from the main branch on GitHub.

cargo install --git

Issues and Enhancements

If you encounter any issues or bugs or have ideas for enhancements and new features, please report them on our GitHub Issues page. Your feedback is a gift and helps us improve the tool for everyone!


I appreciate the following teams and individuals without which this tool would not be possible or as quickly constructed:

Other Works

  • netrange - Use LUA scripts to download and filter IP ranges from multiple cloud providers.
  • aws-ip-ranges - Provides the AWS IP range data as a const struct.

Why did I make this?

I frequently need to get answers from the AWS IP ranges. I published a similar Python library while working at AWS. Then, when learning Rust, I needed something to build! 😎 This tool has been helpful to me - perhaps it will be useful to you.