I've provided 3 variations of Mean Filters intended for reducing noise in greyscale PPM images. I've included the 2D Convolution method, the seperable filters (1Dx1D Convolution), as well as the Sliding Window method. Each program takes a greyscale ppm image as its only argument and outputs the smoothed image. The program uses variations of convolution to reduce image noise to make an image appear smoother. Sliding Window has been shown to have the quickest runtime of the different programs. I've provided Windows executables in the binaries directory, but the source code is available if you'd like to compile on a different compiler.
- Compiled using MinGW-64 bit gcc 10.2 (MSYS2 project) on Windows 10
- Libraries included:
- stdio.h
- stdlib.h
- string.h
- An executable is offered for those who do not want to compile the source code themselves
Feel free to clone and use, edit, or distribute at your leisure. I hope people find this program useful and can help those who are writing similar programs.