This is a command-line program that can perform Search and Replace or Spell Check on text (.txt) files. The program takes 3 arguments, an input txt file, an output .txt file (does not need to exist previously), and a dictionary txt file. The program generates a simple menu interface for users to interact with. Fairly simple design, not too complicated to work with. I provided two different dictionaries to work with, one very robust dictionary taken from, and a less-robust dictionary file. Only main assumption when running this program is that input strings will be no longer than 128 characters.
- Compiled using gcc Version 7.4.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.01
- Libraries included:
- stdio.h
- stdlib.h
- string.h
- ctype.h
- An executable is offered for those who do not want to compile the source code themselves
Feel free to clone and use, edit, or distribute at your leisure. I hope people find this program useful and can help those who are writing similar programs. This is in no way the best or most efficient way to do this; this is my attempt at tackling the problem.