Download the Splunk Logging with .Net.pdf file for Splunk documentation and illustration of the example.
The sample is developed with .Net Framework 4.7 and C# along with the following components/tools
- VS 2019
- Splunk Enterprise 8.0.0
- Enterprise Library
Additional topics related to Splunk has been covered with the following documents
- Pull Data From Differenet Sources.pdf - We can, not only log events/messages from .net application but also pull all the log info from Windows Event Viewer log or a databse table.
- Splunk Universal Forwarder.pdf - It is a type of forwarder, which is a Splunk Enterprise instance that sends data to another Splunk Enterprise instance or to a third-party system. The universal forwarder is a dedicated, streamlined version of Splunk Enterprise that contains only the essential components needed to forward data.