Analysis using reduced NanoAOD files created from CMS open data producing a high statistics di-muon spectrum
The analysis needs solely a ROOT installation. You can get the software easily using the CMS Open Data VM and CVMFS. Note that version 6.28.00 is used in the environment.yml and reana.yaml files but it may be different when set up through CVMFS. Just run the following command in the terminal to source an appropriate software stack:
source /cvmfs/
To download the files, you can either use git
with the following command or download them directly via the web browser.
git clone -b v1.5
cd DimuonSpectrumNanoAODOutreachAnalysis
The analysis code itself is provided in Python and C++. The instructions to run the scripts is shown below:
Python (notebook):
The notebook can either be run locally or via binder in the browser. To run locally, use the following command.
jupyter notebook
To run via binder, you just have to click the following link and follow the instructions. You can ignore the two error messages.
Python (interactive):
Note the -i
flag, which keeps the Python interpreter alive after the end of the script so that the interactive plot can still be explored.
python -i
C++ (interactive):
root -l dimuonSpectrum.C
C++ (compiled):
Note that you have to select the compiler based on your system.
g++ -O3 -o dimuonSpectrum dimuonSpectrum.C $(root-config --cflags --libs)