Weather Analysis and building of a travel app for customers of 600+ cities around the world.
In this project, a travel app for customers is built using weather data of 600+ cities along with the data to recommend ideal hotels based on clients’ weather preferences.
Python, citipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SciPy, Google Maps API, Google Places API, OpenWeatherMap API, Jupyter Notebook
- The Travel App allows customers to search for locations they want to travel based on their temperature preferences.
- Once the customers have filtered the database (DataFrame) based on their temperature preferences, a heatmap will be showed to them for the maximum temperature for the filtered cities around the world.
- A notation is in the search criteria to indicate if it is raining or snowing for customers who are making travel decisions in real-time.
- A weather description to the pop-up markers will be displayed for customers so that they know what the weather is as they are traveling.
- A map that shows the directions between multiple cities for customers’ travel itinerary will be displayed.
- A map that shows the directions between multiple cities with the details of the nearest hotel for customers’ travel itinerary will be also be displayed if selected by the customer.