This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 30, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: cncf/devstats.archive
Releases · cncf/devstats.archive
Support Kubenrtes deployments
- Added many new CNCF projects
- Split this repo into many
repositories - Supports bare metal deployments, Docker deployments, Kubernetes deployments, and Helm deployments.
- Using Postgres as a time series database.
- Added Telepresence project.
- Added CloudEvents project.
- Added all Kubernetes dashboards documentation.
- Full CRUD support for sqlitedb tool
Replaced InfluxDb with Postgres as a time-series database.
- Added some dashboards documentation (currently 4 dashboards)
- Added Postgres datasource and 'pdb_vars' tool to use it.
- Made Grafana connections to postgres and Influx DB read-only/select-only (using new ro_user).
- Added full automatic deploy support (CD - continuous deployment), can also be used manually
- Added handling of [deploy] and [no deploy] flags
- Added OPA project
- Made Home dashboard content Postgres variable, so only one place to update
- Added conditional content support in Postgres partials (to insert content depending on for example hostname)
- Added all tables documentation, and all main devstats aspects documentation
- Added option to copy Influx database from the test server (on the production) using select only user. This allows avoiding local generation of InfluxDB on production deploy. Speedup deployment 100x.
- Imported new cncf/gitdm affiliations
- Updated histograms to display all actors even with single activity, they were cut at 3 or 5 before that.
- Added NATS project
- Added automatic scripts to control cron, check for devstats running, wait for finish etc.
- Made all dashboards use numeric increasing uids instead of random strings generated by switching to Grafana v5.0.0
- Added mass update tools, replacer to work on changing multiple dashboards at once.
- Added 'User reviews' dashboard.
- Unified datasource name and project name on all projects, project name now comes from influxDB variable and datasource name is "gha" everywhere (only the final Influx DB name differs - but this is one place instead of all dashboards).
- Added 'PR workload' and 'PR workload table' dashboards.
- Made 'idb_tags' multithreaded using anonymous closure go routine - big speedup.
- Added 'Reviews/LGTMs per user/repo' dashboard
- Added log viewer script
- Switched to Grafana v5.0.0-beta
- Added FreeBSD install support
- Added PR workloads dashboards (chart & tabular) - K8s only
- Added new multi value histogram mode (used to display multi column histogram tabular views)
- Imported newest cncf/gitdm affiliations, researched some top unknown developers from all CNCF projects
- Added New/episodic issues/contributors dashboards - all CNCF projects
- Changed Postgres dump format from xzipped SQL to custom Postgres dump format
- Added commits in repository group dashboards to all CNCF projects, it uses stacked hourly values and allow very detailed analysis
- Removed most of the custom gaps filling code, used Grafana's "null as zero" feature instead. Gaps filling now only used in multi series stacked charts (only 2 such charts are used)
- Updated bot exclusion rules, few new bots identified
- Added OpenContainers project (OCI)
- Optimized multi-threading algorithm everywhere (now when thread pool is full, we're waiting for fastest task to finish and spawning next thread, old algorithm used waited for the thread that was created first - it was suboptimal).
- Added contributions and contributors value to 5 dashboards, like project statistics, company statistics, company velocity, developers summary, developer stats.
- Added activity in repo groups to all CNCF projects, it uses hourly values stacked by repo groups
- Added Vitess project
- Added crosscloudci org to CNCF project config
- Added hostname variable to influxdata, this allows to create prod links on production and test links on test.
Production prepared to switch to new Grafana v5, installed MT binaries on production
- Production prepared to switch to new Grafana v5.
- Installed multithreaded binaries on production and confirmed they work OK.
- Added support for time offset for entire workflow.
- Fixed shrinking images issue.
- Fixed Envoy case (by importing affiliations), Google no longer no.1 company, now Lyft no.1 company - as expected.
- Imported newest affiliations from cncf/gitdm for all projects on test & prod.
- Updated 'All' project on the test server to include CNCF too.
- Added activity output example and script to track the activity of all CNCF projects using 'All' project database.
All CNCF projects implemented on the test server
- All 15 CNCF projects implemented on the test server: --> {{projectname}}
- CNCF itself implemented
- Special 'All' project containing all data from 15 CNCF projects combined implemented as
- Added "Contributors" sub-metric for all 17 projects listed above.
- Bugfixes to v0.1.0 and test coverage updates.
This is a first version that supports all CNCF Projects, CNCF itself and 'All' project that combines data from all CNCF projects.
Thi is a test release that works on the test server.