The application serves as a note taker where the user can save and view notes. The applicaiton it built using Node, Express, HTML, CSS and JQuery. It is deployed using Heroku.
The user can perform the following actions:
- Add a new notes
- View saved notes
- Delete saved notes
- Clone the repository from github to your local server.
- Type npm install to install dependencies.
- Type npm start to runn application.
Technologies Used
- HTML - Used to create elements of the sites
- CSS - Used to styles HTML Elements
- JavaScript - Makes the application dynamic so that input can be received from the user.
- JQuery - JavaScript library to simplify HTML DOM traversal.
- Node - JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
- Express - Node.js framework.
- GitHub - Hosts the repository.
- Heroku - Hosts the application.
Deployed application:
Author: Cameron Nix
Pull requests are welcome.
To contribute to this refactor, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch.
Licensed by: MIT License.