This application serves as a dynamic file generator. It creates a file based on user iput. Based on a series of prompts, users submit answers in the command line. This input data is then used to currate a README file for the user specific to the project on which they are working.
It includes all the sections essential of a README:
- Badges
- Description
- Table of Contents
- Installation
- Usage
- Credits
- License
- Contributing
- Tests
The is a command line application built using Node.js. Therefore, it runs in terminal, outside of the browser.
- Clone the repository from github to your local server. In terminal, type: "git clone".
- Install Node.js.
- Install the Inquirer npm package. In terminal, type: "npm install inquirer".
Technologies Used
- JavaScript - Used to make the application dynamic so that input can be received from the user.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.
- GitHub - Hosts the repository that can be deployed to GitHub Pages.
Using terminal, navigate to the directory containing the index.js file. Type "node index.js" into the command line to run the application. You will be prompted with a series of questions that will be used to generate the file for your project.
Screenshot of Generated README
Author: Cameron Nix
Pull requests are welcome.
To contribute to this refactor, clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch.
Licensed by: MIT License.