This serves as a professional Portfolio for Cameron Nix.
The portfolio includes.
- An introduction
- A section highlighting Cameron's technological skillset including known languages and development tools
- A projects section which includes depictions and descriptions of projects as well as github and live application links
- A contact section including linkedin, email, github, and resume links
The applicaiton is built using React, JSX, Javascript, CSS, and Bootstrap.
- Clone the repository from github to your local server: "git clone"
- Install the application dependencies: "npm install"
- Run the application: "npm start"
Technologies Used
- ReactJS - JavaScript library for building user interfaces and UI components.
- JavaScript - Makes the application dynamic so that input can be received from the user.
- JSX - HTML-like syntax used by React.
- Bootstrap - CSS, JS, & HTML library used to add structure and style to the application including layout and responsiveness.
- CSS - Adds styling to the application.
- GitHub - Hosts the repository.
Deployed application:
Author: Cameron Nix
Licensed by: MIT License.