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Create your own dynamic DNS service with Cloudflare DNS servers


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Build your own Dynamic DNS service with Cloudflare DNS servers (backend)

Build your own dynamic DNS service. Supports IPv6 and IPv4. Available as Docker container.


Dynamic DNS is a method of automatically updating a DNS record in real time. This can be used for home internet connections that change their IP address frequently.

As an alternative to services like No-IP, this requires owning a domain (available for a few cents per month) and assigning the Cloudflare DNS servers to it.

Please note that using a NGINX or Apache reverse proxy for HTTPS is recommended as this application only provides an HTTP server.

For client IP detection, the Cf-Connecting-Ip HTTP header is used (if present). Otherwise, there is a fallback to the layer 3 IP address.

Installation with Docker (recommended for production)

You may use the following docker-compose file (reverse proxy for enabling HTTPS not included, both nginx and Traefik have been successfully tested).

Please adapt the tag (v1.1.1) to the version you would like to use.

version: "3.8"

    image: cnmicha/cloudflare-dyndns-backend:v1.1.1
    container_name: cloudflare-dyndns_backend
      - DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres:mySecretDatabasePassword@
    restart: unless-stopped
      - postgres

    image: postgres:latest
    container_name: cloudflare-dyndns_postgres
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mySecretDatabasePassword
      - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    restart: unless-stopped


    driver: bridge
    enable_ipv6: false
      driver: default
        - subnet:

Installation without Docker

For production (reverse proxy for enabling HTTPS not included):

Make sure the environment variable DATABASE_URL is set.

# Install dependencies
$ npm ci --only=production

# Deploy database migrations and start the server
$ npm run start:prod

For development:

Create a .env file and fill in the value for DATABASE_URL.

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Format the Prisma schema file
$ prisma format

# Push the database schema reflected in code to the database
$ prisma db push

# Create a migration from changes in the Prisma schema file
$ prisma migrate dev

# Reset the database to undo manual changes or changes from $ db push
$ prisma migrate reset

# Run the application
$ npm run start

# Run the application (watch mode with auto-reload)
$ npm run start:dev

# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


Currently, configuration of permitted domains needs to be done directly in the database. You may use tools like PHPMyAdmin, if you like.

Set up the DNS zone in Cloudflare

  1. Add the domain (DNS zone) to Cloudflare.
  2. Generate an API key in Cloudflare. Permissions for editing zone DNS are sufficient.
  3. Open the database table CloudflareDnsZone and insert a new row. Fill in the attributes name(e.g. and authToken (the Cloudflare API key)

Set up the DNS record in Cloudflare

  1. Add the DNS record you would like to dynamically update by the client to Cloudflare. Typically, this will be a subdomain.
  2. Open the database table CloudflareDnsRecord and insert a new row. Fill in the attributes name with the record name (e.g., typewith the DNS record type (e.g. A for IPv4 or AAAA for IPv6). Insert the idof the CloudflareDnsZone for the attribute cloudflareDnsZoneId. For authentication of the clients, you need to generate an API key for them. Using a password generator is recommended. API Keys up to 64 characters are supported. Insert the API key for the attribute authKey.
  3. Note the value of the id attribute that has been automatically generated. It will be needed for the client setup.

Client setup

Each internet connection that should be attached to the system needs a client that makes periodic HTTPS requests. This might be a DSL/cable/fiber router that has this functionality, a Raspberry Pi or an ordinary PC.

For updating the DNS record on IP address change, the client needs to call an HTTPS endpoint frequently. It is: PUT /record/{recordId}/updateIpAddress. Replace {recordId} with the id from the database row, e.g 17.

It is required to pass the HTTPS header x-api-key. Fill in the value of the authKey database attribute.

Using curl with a cronjob (Linux or Windows)

You may use the curl command to do the HTTPS call. Please note that the CLI parameters (including the secret API key) may be seen by other applications and users on your machine.

Set up a cronjob to run the following command every 1 minute:

# For IPv4:
$ curl --silent -g -4 --location --request PUT '' --header 'x-api-key: MySuperSecretApiKeyFromDatabase'

# For IPv6:
$ curl --silent -g -6 --location --request PUT '' --header 'x-api-key: MySuperSecretApiKeyFromDatabase'

Alternatively, there is an option to use GET requests:

# For IPv4:
$ curl --silent -g -4 --location ''

# For IPv6:
$ curl --silent -g -6 --location ''

Please note that some transparent HTTPS proxys log URLs including the secret API key. Please ensure there is no proxy in between before using GET requests.

Using AVM FRITZ!Box home routers

On AVM FRITZ!Box home routers, you can use the GET request to update the IP address. Use the following settings:

  • DynDNS provider: custom
  • Update URL:<username>/updateIpAddress?apiKey=<passwd>
  • Domain name: the DynDNS record name, e.g.
  • Username: the record ID from the database, e.g. 17
  • Password: the record secret API key from the database, e.g. MySuperSecretApiKeyFromDatabase

Setting both IPv4 and IPv6 records

If your internet connection is IPv4 and IPv6-enabled you might want to update an A and an AAAA DNS record. Therefore, your server needs an IPv4 and IPv6 address at the same time.

If your client does not have a local IPv6 address, it is recommended to run the server on two different FQDNs, one with only an A record and the other with an AAAA record.

Developer information

This application provides a RESTful API on port 3000. It is based on the Nest.js framework with the Express web server on Node.js. It uses the Prisma ORM and has been designed for PostgreSQL databases.

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This software is MIT licensed.