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Tool for finding and connecting to OCI instances


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OCI Shiv

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A tool for quickly finding OCI resources and connecting to instances and OKE clusters via the bastion service.

Quick examples

Finding and connecting to OCI instances

Search for instances

oshiv inst -f foo-node
Name: my-foo-node-1
Instance ID:
Private IP: 123.456.789.5

Name: my-foo-node-2
Instance ID:
Private IP: 123.456.789.6

Connect via bastion service

oshiv bastion -i 123.456.789.5 -o

Finding and connecting to Kubernetes clusters

Search for clusters

oshiv -f foo-cluster
Name: oke-my-foo-cluster
Cluster ID:
Private endpoint IP: 123.456.789.7
Private endpoint port: 6443

Connect via bastion service

oshiv bastion -y port-forward -k oke-my-foo-cluster -i 123.456.789.7

Install oshiv

oshiv can be installed either by downloading the binary manually or using Homebrew for macOS and Linux.

1. Installation via Homebrew

You can also install oshiv using Homebrew (recommended).


  1. Add the cnopslabs/oshiv tap:

    brew tap cnopslabs/oshiv
  2. Install oshiv:

    brew install oshiv
  3. Verify the installation:

    oshiv -h

2. Download Binary

You can download the latest binary from the oshiv releases page.

Place the Binary in Your PATH


After downloading the binary, move it to a directory included in your PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin or any custom location).

Example: Adding Binary to a Custom Path

  1. Check your PATH:

    echo $PATH

    Example output:

  2. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH (e.g., ~/.local/bin):

    mv ~/Downloads/oshiv ~/.local/bin
  3. For macOS, clear quarantine (if applicable):

    sudo xattr -d ~/.local/bin/oshiv
  4. Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x ~/.local/bin/oshiv
  5. Verify the installation:

    oshiv -h

Windows Setup

To use oshiv on Windows, you need to add its location to the PATH environment variable.


  1. Open Control PanelSystemSystem SettingsEnvironment Variables.

  2. Scroll down in the System Variables section and locate the PATH variable.

  3. Click Edit and add the location of your oshiv binary to the PATH variable. For example, c:\oshiv.

    Note: When adding a new location, ensure that a semicolon (;) is included as a delimiter if appending to existing entries. Example: c:\path;c:\oshiv.

  4. Launch a new console session to apply the updated environment variable.

Verify Installation

Once the PATH is updated, verify the installation by running:

oshiv -h

If the command prints the oshiv help information, the setup is complete.



1. OCI Authentication and Authorization

oshiv relies on the OCI CLI for authentication and authorization. You can follow Oracle's Installing the CLI guide to set up the OCI CLI.

oshiv uses the credentials stored in the $HOME/.oci/config file and the OCI profile specified by the OCI_CLI_PROFILE environment variable. If the OCI_CLI_PROFILE variable is not set, it defaults to the DEFAULT profile.

To set a custom OCI profile, use the following command:


Replace MYCUSTOMPROFILE with the name of your desired OCI profile.

With these steps completed, you’re ready to use oshiv for managing and connecting to OCI instances.

2. OCI Tenancy

oshiv will attempt to determine tenancy in this order:

  1. Attempt to get tenancy ID from OCI_CLI_TENANCY environment variable. (E.g. export OCI_CLI_TENANCY=ocid1.tenancy.oc2..)

  2. Attempt to get tenancy ID from -t flag

  3. Attempt to get tenancy ID from OCI config file ($HOME/.oci/config)

Patterns #1 and #2 above allow you to override your default tenancy.


1. SSH keys

By default, oshiv looks for the id_rsa and key pair in $HOME/.ssh. You can override the directory of your id_rsa and key pair by setting the OSHIV_SSH_HOME environment variable.


export OSHIV_SSH_HOME=$HOME/.ssh/oshiv
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -f $OSHIV_SSH_HOME/id_rsa

Individual keys can be overwritten by passing the the following flags:

  • -a, --private-key Path to SSH private key (identity file)
  • -e, --public-key Path to SSH public key

See oshiv bastion -h for more detail.

2. SSH user

By default, oshiv uses the opc user. This can be overriden by flags. See oshiv bastion -h

3. SSH port

By default, oshiv uses port 22 user. This can be overriden by flags. See oshiv -h

Note: This is the port used to SSH to the bastion host and subsequently the target host. Not to be confused with the local/remote ports used for tunneling.

Common usage patterns

List compartments

oshiv compart -l


To set compartment, run:
   oshiv compartment -s COMPARTMENT_NAME

Set compartment

oshiv compartment -s MyFooCompartment

Find instance

oshiv inst -f mydatabase

Name: mydatabase-1
Instance ID:
Private IP: 123.456.789.5

Name: mydatabase-2
Instance ID:
Private IP: 123.456.789.6

Create bastion session to connect to instance

oshiv inst -i 123.456.789.5 -o

Connect to instance

oshiv will produce various SSH commands to connect to your instance

sudo ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o ProxyCommand='ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" -W %h:%p -p 22' \
-P 22 opc@123.456.789.5 -N -L <LOCAL PORT>:123.456.789.5:<REMOTE PORT>

scp -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -P 22 \
-o ProxyCommand='ssh -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa -W %h:%p -p 22' \
<SOURCE PATH> opc@123.456.789.5:<TARGET PATH>

ssh -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o ProxyCommand='ssh -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa -W %h:%p -p 22' \
-P 22 opc@123.456.789.5

Or find OKE cluster and create bastion session to connect to the Kubernetes API

oshiv oke -f oke-my-foo-cluster
oshiv bastion -y port-forward -k oke-my-foo-cluster -i 123.456.789.7
  1. Connect to cluster

oshiv will produce an SSH command to allow port forwarding connectivity to your cluster. It will also produce an oci cli commands to update your Kubernetes config file with the OKE cluster details (this only needs to be performed once).

Update kube config (One time operation):
oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --cluster-id --token-version 2.0.0 --kube-endpoint 123.456.789.7

Port Forwarding command:
ssh -i /Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-p 22 -N -L 6443:123.456.789.7:6443

You should now be able to connect to your cluster's API endpoint using tools like kubectl and k9s.

Tunneling examples

VNC (Linux GUI)

sudo ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o ProxyCommand='ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" -W %h:%p -p 22' \
-P 22 opc@123.456.789.5 -N -L 5902:123.456.789.5:5902

Now you should be able to connect (via localhost) using a VNC client.

For MacOS, I recommend TigerVNC but the built-in VNC client will work as well.


Tiger VNC

VNC native on Mac OS

RDP (Windows)

sudo ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o ProxyCommand='ssh -i "/Users/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa" -W %h:%p -p 22' \
-P 22 opc@123.456.789.5 -N -L 3389:123.456.789.5:3389

Now you should be able to connect via localhost with an RDP client

Help (all options)

oshiv -h
A tool for finding and connecting to OCI resources via the bastion service

  oshiv [flags]
  oshiv [command]

Available Commands:
  bastion     Find, list, and connect to resources via the OCI bastion service
  compartment Find and list compartments
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  config      Display oshiv configuration
  help        Help about any command
  image       Find and list OCI compute images
  info        Display your custom OCI tenancy information
  instance    Find and list OCI instances
  oke         Find and list OKE clusters
  policy      Find and list policies by name or statement
  subnet      Find and list subnets
  version     Print the version number of oshiv CLI

  -c, --compartment string   The name of the compartment to use
  -h, --help                 help for oshiv
  -t, --tenancy-id string    Override's the default tenancy with this tenancy ID
  -v, --version              Print the version number of oshiv CLI

Use "oshiv [command] --help" for more information about a command.


The info command displays custom tenancy info that you define in your tenancy info file located at $HOME/.oci/tenancy-map.yaml. This is helpful to quickly display the tenancy and compartment info necessary to run most oshiv commands.

tenancy-map.yaml example


Style guide:


make build

Test and push

Test/validate changes, push to your fork, make PR


git tag -a <VERSION> -m '<COMMENTS>'
make release

Future enhancements and updates


If oshiv gets quarantined by your OS

sudo xattr -d PATH_TO_OSHIV


sudo xattr -d ~/.local/bin/oshiv
