FLASH Interface is a graphical interface for the FLASH Computational Science codebase!
It currently supports:
- configuring and editing existing flash.par files
- generating new flash.par files by choosing among the full set of parameters
- filtering the full set of flash parameters based on categories
- searching for flash parameters, and view full descriptions
Coming soon:
- Running flash simulations directly from the Interface
- Some visualizations
FLASH Interface can be compiled to binaries for Linux (x86, x86_64, armv7l), Mac OSX, and Windows operating systems.
To build you will need a tool called electron-packager, instructions for building are available here
Some prebuilt binaries are available at flash.uchicago.edu.
# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/cnwalker/flash_interface
# Go into the repository
cd flash_interface
# Install dependencies and run the app
npm install && npm start
- FLASH Interface is open source and accepting pull requests!
- The interface is built on electron, a javascript framework for making desktop applications.
Learn more about Electron and its API in the documentation.
If you have any questions, please reach me at cnwalker@flash.uchicago.edu. Thanks!